awkward drive home.

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I shut the classroom door behind me and let out a sign. What the fuck just happened?

I walked quickly to Nancy's car to find Mike annoyed. He sat in the front with Nancy next to him leaving me in the back by myself. Great.

I saw mike in the mirror of the car rolling his eyes once I sat in the back. 'The fucks up with you we just had a great game' I spoke to Mike.

Mike turned and looked me dead in the eye as Nancy started the car. 'What's up with me is that neither me or Dustin asked you to play'

Did Eddie seriously not tell them?

'Yeah genius i know that. Eddie is the one who asked me' Mike looked like I just killed mom with that statement slapped across his face.

''Eddie huh?' Nancy popped into the conversation looking into the mirror and smiling at me as-if she knew if she didn't shout me Eddie would have taken me on that table there and then and-

'Eddie wouldn't invite you! You're my sister no girls ever play dnd!' Mike chimed back in snapping me from my...thoughts.

'We'll that's so funny because he did, and what do you mean by that! We used to play d and d allll the time when we were younger what changed Mike!' God that was a mouthful

Without a second going by. Mike spat at me and said 'You ran away and became a drug addict!' Mikes eyes widened when he said this.

I could feel my throat closing in. My eyes watering. Fuck.

Nancy didn't say anything. I knew she'd speak to me when we got back by the look she gave me. That downwards smile she always does.

'Jessica look I didn't mean-'

'Mike..shut the fuck up for 2 seconds okay' Nancy spoke.Mike did as he was told and just looked out the window for the rest of the ride.

We arrived back home and never said a word to each other. Mom and dad were in the living room. Mom said hi like she always does and dad was already asleep on the sofa.

I hurried upstairs to get changed and get in the shower. Trying to hide the fact that what Mike said wasn't true. Even though it was.

I haven't used in about 2 weeks. Feels like years. I doubt that Eddie would sell me coke though since Mike probably told him everything.

Little kiss ass

Mike worships Eddie like he's a god. I mean sure he's not to bad on the eyes but that's about it and Mike would go crazy if he found out anything.

Why couldn't I stop thinking about him though. His veiny warm hands contrasting with his cold rings running over my skin. Him whispering in my ear making me completely fold on the spot.

Jesus Christ snap out of it.

I walked back to my room and put my pyjamas on and wanted to just cry into my pillow and fall asleep. Until I heard a knock on the door.

'What' I said from under my covers.

''s me' a soft voice spoke.

It was Nancy. I opened the door and she came and sat down with me at the foot of my bed.

'So...what's going on' She took a deep breath expecting me to tell her every detail of my life right now. I just shrugged and said 'nothing really'.

Of course she didn't believe me. Nancy is a human lie detector.

'I meaaan with Eddie'. Nancy giggled. I almost chocked on air.

'That freak Munson? Nothing' It felt so forced saying that. Forcing myself to rid all these thoughts about him.

'Mike got in the car 10 minutes before you..what happened in that 10 whole minutes Jessica' Nancy was grinning ear to ear.

We always used to talk about boys when we were younger. Like when she first kissed Steve. God that relationship was messy.

Or even Jonathan. I'm not sure how I feel about Johnathan. He's nice sure. So yeah...he's okay.

I have Nancy the PG-13 version of mine and Eddies 10 minutes together. Just us talking and that we kissed.

Nancy was gobsmacked.

Her jaw was open for the entirety of me telling her. 'Eddie..hmm isnt he a drug dealer?' Nancy almost came back to reality when she said this.

'Yes...he is but I promise you I'm not buying anything off him' I said. Lying obviously.

'Anything?' Nancys eyebrow raised.

'Okay just some weed but that's it I promise' I meant that one. I don't wanna go down that path again and if Eddie does know about my problem then maybe he would just sell me weed and nothing else.

Holy shit. Am I really thinking of how that Munson guy is good for me?

Before I could come back to mine and Nancys conversation- she hugged me. Like a real hug. I almost melted into it.

'I love do know that don't you?' Nancy held my face. 'And you can always tell me anything I would never judge you'

She kissed my forehead just like she used to do when I was sick and she would look after me.

I always wanted Nancy over my own mother. Which I know sounds selfish, but I felt at complete peace with my sister.

Nancy said goodnight to me and opened my door to go to bed. When I saw Mike standing in the doorway with a packet of....cookies?

Nancy didn't say a word to Mike. Mike thew the pack of cookies onto my bead and said very very VERY quietly.

'Hey jessica..I'm really sorry about before. I shouldn't have said that shit. I was just pissed off because of Lucas ditching us.' He did look sincere if I'm being honest.

I just gave him a small smile. I really didn't want to carry this conversation on any longer. Before I said or did something I would regret.

Mike shut my door and finally I was alone.

Chrissy's party is tomorrow and I still haven't found anything to wear.

Shit Eddies going to that. How the fuck did he even get invited?

Hello all of you beautiful people! Thank you so so much for keeping up with this story and reading! Please read this :)

I apologise that this chapter is so short, it's really just a warm up for a lonnggg chapter of chrissys party.

I will try to upload as many chapters as often as I can. I however am unable to post as much this week.

Although I'm pretty sure I'm going to be able to write out chrissys party chapter tomorrow!!

I have the WHOLE thing planned out and I am so exited to write it and for y'all to read it!!!

Lmk what you think of this chapter :P

Pls follow my tiktok for updates and for me to speak to you guys for ideas/notes you have! @ cupidloveseddie

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