wake up call.

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I woke up to the sound of Eddie getting dressed. He was scurrying around my room looking for his pants and constantly blowing his hair out of his face because it kept getting caught in his mouth.

I rolled over too look at him. He was looking at himself in the mirror fixing his hair and his necklace. He didn't have his shirt on either.

Figured he couldn't find it.

Not that I was complaining. Nice thing to wake up too.

As he was looking at himself in the mirror he caught my eyes on him.

( lil picture for y'alls imagination, let me know if you would like more of these just to help the story flow, i personally love them lol : D )

( lil picture for y'alls imagination, let me know if you would like more of these just to help the story flow, i personally love them lol : D )

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'Hey you' he smiled looking at me in the mirror.

'Hey' I said tiredly before putting my head back onto the pillow.

'Didn't mean to wake you, I cant find my t-shirt' He spoke quietly.

Eddie crawled back into bed laying next to me planting kisses on my neck.

I could feel Eddie's smile on my neck growing wider. He moved up from my neck and started kissing me properly. Moving his hand around my neck gripping.


Then it hit me.

'Shit what time is it!' i grabbed Eddie's arm and pulled it away from my neck. I scurried out of bed and threw some pyjamas on that we're lying at the bottom of my bed.

'Uh not sure why-' Eddie spoke before he was cut off by someone knocking at my door.

'Shit' we said in unison.

'You need to hide' I spoke quickly making my bed.

'Uh..uh-OKAY um I'll hide-'

'UNDER THE BED' I whispered loudly.

'Okay-wheeler alright' Eddie said as he crouched under my bed laying down.

'Jessica open up already'

Thank fuck it's only Nancy.

'Hey' i said out of breath opening the door to find Nancy staring at me with that confused look she does.

Why am i out of breath- I need to work out more.

'You okay? Sorry I couldn't get you last night mom said I couldn't drive that late- wait how did you get home?' Nancy said inching close to me.

Shit she knows.

'Oh uh Chrissy- Chrissy gave me a ride'

Cmon Nancy drew just drop it.

'Chrissy doesn't have a car- are you okay?'

Shit she DEFINITELY knows.

'Chrissy's parents! I mean- I meant Chrissy's parents'. I said confidently.

broken mirrors (eddie munson x oc)Where stories live. Discover now