Shorts 30

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The mall incident p2

Text after text.
Call after call.

When will he stop?- take a break or breath? You thought in your bed, looking at your upside down phone on the counter. It was about 7-8 pm at night so you knew he was antsy to see you again but then-

You quickly shifted your head to the bangs on the door. Did he actually come over?- Jesus Christ...reluctantly you got up and walked over, almost placing your hand to the doorknob - "POLICE, OPEN THE DOOR!".

Uh oh- not good not good!! You covered your mouth as you ran to the window- realizing you was on a high floor, so jumping is out the window. (BOOM!- BOOM-) they were trying to break the door down at this point.- Running over to your phone, you placed your passcode in- going to your text messages. Mid texting you started reading yb texts-

(hey I'm sorry okay?)
(when are you coming home?)
(do you want me to pick you up now..?)
(are you catching an Uber?)
(say something please!)

(BOOM) the door was gunna give out soon enough- so you quickly typed, 'the police found me'. Then you hid your phone in your pants- not trying to get them to take it away- (BUMFPH..) "GET ON THE GROUND!" You looked behind you- seeing about 4 police officers with their gun drawn right at you. "HANDS UP", here we this moment, you had a little flash back of a conversation you had with your parents when you was younger. 'Sweetie, remember..if your ever in a situation where the police ask you to do something, just do it. It's best to do whatever they said than get hurt in the process'...and so. You placed your hands up-.

Hands behind back, handcuffed.
Head tilted down as you walked outside with one of the cops having a grip on your so you wouldn't run. 'Please it wasn't my fault-" "you have the right to remain silent." Great. Just great. You was more irritated than scared in the moment- rethinking who got you in this situation..god dammit yb!. "Don't hit your head.." the policemen said as he guided you into one of the police car back seat. You gotten in without a struggle, not trying to make the situation worse than it actually was...

Well, your going to jail. Maybe prison? Who knows at this point. Being in the back seat with your hand still cuffed- you felt a buzz of your phone going off. But you couldn't really reach it so you laid back. Hoping. Just hoping. But with another thought. What was yb doing right now..?

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