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We sat in the car. Eddie was still heavily breathing. "Aren't we gonna talk about what just happened back there" i say pointing my thumb behind us. "No princess we will not" Eddie was clearly scared. "You do realise we left her" i say.

He laughs sarcastically and glances over at me "yeah i do. What else could we do. Tell someone" he scoffs, "not a chance anyone would believe us" After that we're completely silent until we reach the place he took us. "Where are we?" I ask stepping out if the car. "My drug dealers house" he says sniggering. "Funny" i look at the house, the outside was pretty in shape but hell knows whats on the inside.

He walk to the front door, he lifts up the matt that reveals a key beneath it. "What an amateur place to hide they key" i say following Eddie inside. He places himself on the sofa which i then sit next to him.

"Holy shit" he whispers throwing his head back. "Your right. Holy shit" i say. I think about what i saw over and over again. It doesn't quite make sense. Why did this happen and especially to her? An innocent girl like her.

"Hey Eddie" i look over at him. "Amber" he says in response. I pause, "Uh. If i tell you something promise not to tell" i anxiously say. He nodds and brings an uneasy expression to his face. I slowly remove my watch from my left arm and direct my arm, that has a number '013' on it, towards Eddie. He holds my hand as he inspects it. He looks at the tattoo then at me.

"Thirteen?" He says confusingly. "Eddie during the game i saw things. Bad things"

"I don't follow" he lets go if my arm.

"The number. It means im the thirteenth experiment at Hawks Lab, well before it was-" he nodds indicating he knew what i was saying.

"Dr Brenner or as we call him, Pappa, trained kids such as myself to obtain these abilities. Super powers if you will-"

"You can't be serious"

"Oh im serious. I was just one of the lucky ones who survived the- no that shit doesn't matter. But what im saying is that what i saw tonight wasn't pleasant. Its like i knew what happened to Chrissy before it even happened"

He widens his eyes. "Okay enough" he laughs. He was completely fully spooked.

"Im not kidding, before i could only manipulate the mind of others and move things but this was different. This was powerful"

I focus my attention on an ashtray that situated on the coffee table in front of us. I close my eyes and concentrate. When i open them I begin to move it up. "Holy shit. This isn't my house Amber you can't be breaking shit" he tells me looking down at the 'smashed ceramic'

"Eddie, I didn't break anything" i say. He looks back down at the tray to see it was still in tact. "How'd-" he looks back up at me. I shrug and smile as i wipe the blood that fell from my nose.

"Wait- your trying to say. Well you sorta proved it. But your saying you have powers?"

"Stupid i know but yes. Eddie nobody other than Eleven knows about this-"


"A girl you haven't met. She's like me but a thousand times more powerful. Can i trust you"

He nodds. "That took quicker than i thought to convince you" i say laughing.

"After the shit ive just seen, i think id believe everything"

The room goes blank, just like at the game. "Imagine what we could do together" i look up to see eleven talking to a guard. I look around and everyone else is covered in blood and disoriented, i am too covered in blood but not my own. "We could re-shape the world. We can make it however we see fit" the tall blonde man says. "Join me" he tells her. Its like im glued to the floor. "No" she says to him. Her hand shot forward towards him. I cover my eyes as it happens.

I feel hands touch mine, they slowly pull them away from my face. "Amber?" I hear Eddie say. When my eyes have focused i can see him again. "Amber?" He says again. "Eddie" i say sitting up. He'd layed me on the sofa and had a blanket over me. "Are you okay?" He asks. I nodd.

"You overheated and passed out" he informs me.

"I did?"


"Some strange shit is happening to me munson" i say. He puts an arm around me and wipes a tear away. "Some strange shit is happening point blank" he states.

"Wait" i say releasing myself from his grip "nobody knows i was with you at your trailer right?"

"Not that im aware of. The trailer park is pretty populated so your lucky if you didn't"

"What if i get some insiders about everything. Firstly i need to know what shit is going on in my messed up mind and i need to help you. I just know your going to get blamed for this and we both know you didn't do anything"

"Help me? Awe cute" he laughs

"Shut up" i pause, "mind if i use your van?"

"Not a problem princess, but wait until sunrise? Don't want her to crash"

"Its almost sunrise anyway. Besides by the time i get where i need to be it should be light"

"Then go. But im warning you, don't forget about me"

"I couldn't"

He smiles at me and gives me a small hug before throwing me the keys. "She's old but shes a beauty, look after her" He tells me referring to his van. I nodd and hop into it.

"Keep low. I'll get you food whenever i can and if you move from this spot your basically fucked" i laugh at him.

"Hey you never know. What if nobody finds out?"

"It's Hawkins. Everyone finds out everything"

I begin driving and stick my middle finger up as i turn a corner. I smile as i seen him do the same.

Word Count: 1050

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