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"Woah. Woah. Woah" Nancy pants, "slow down, like slow down now" our attention is drawn to her, "uh Dustin your compass has gone from wonky to wonky with a capital 'ahhh'" she over Exaggerates. Steves begins undress. "Steve what are you doing" i ask as we all confusingly state at him.

"Somebody's gotta fo down there and check this out. Unless one of you four can too being a Hawkins High swim co-captain or being a certified lifeguard for three years, then its gotta be me no complaints right?"

Both Eddie and i shake are hear clearly stating that we don't want to go down there.

Eddie pulls a plastic bag out from his pocket and sticks the flashlight in it semi-waterproofing it. "Good luck" Eddie tells Steve before handling him the light. Steve throws his jumper at him in return.

"Steve" Nancy says dazing up at him. "Be careful" she says. Steve nods and dives right into the water.

"Where we at Nance" Robin say concerned, "closing in on a minute"

Suddenly Steves body shoots out from the water, "Christ" Eddie squeels, "i found it" he tells us gasping for air, "you found it?" I say excitingly. He nodds. Using the boat to stay afloat, "Dustin you are goddamn Einstein Steve found the gate" Robin tells Dustin through the Walkie however we didn't receive a snarky comment back off him.

"Its pretty wild. It more of a snack-size gate than a momma gate, but its still pretty damn big" he is suddenly pulled under again which he comes back up almost instantly. But hes then under again only this time not so instantly coming ip. In fact hes not coming up at all.

"Steve!" Nancy shouts.

"What the hell was that man?"
"No man no"
"Nancy l what the shitting hell just happened"

So many people spoke at once that i didn't know who said what. "Wait here" Nancy didn't waste a second she jumped in after him.

Robin positioned herself on the edge of the boat, "no. Robin she said wait" Eddie shouts at her. "Yeah i heard her"
"Shes in charge"
"Are you kidding me. I made that shit up" she said then flipping herself off of the boat.

Eddie and i shared the same look, "shit" he shouted throwing himself around the boat. I stood up and places my hand on his shoulder making him calm down. "No more running right?" I question.

He holds my hand and we face the water. "Together?" He says.


Word Count: 451

Next chapter is going to probably be the longest because its basically about their 'little' adventure into the upside down :)

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