The Announcement Ball

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True to his word, Jungkook went with Seokjin the next day and got fitted for a suit. Friday then came too soon, and he traveled with Seokjin and Hoseok to the ball.

If the center had been transformed before for the arrival of the potential princes, it was a full on premiere event now. Every corner was covered in blue and purple banners, music wafting from every corner, with everybody who was anybody in Paris showing up. Not only carriages, but automobiles drove up carrying movie stars and politicians. One car stopped and let out the Masked Ballerina, still in a mask that covered most of his face, dressed in a long purple cape and escorted by what looked like his manager. Then Namjoon showed up in a carriage, his wife Yin on his arm. They were all met at the door by Jimin himself and his lover.

The long hallways that the potential princes had once waited in were now converted into elegant seating areas with tables and buffets along each wall. Two pairs of double doors led to what was once the big meeting room, which had been transformed into a ballroom. The first half of the ball was scheduled to be orchestral music, while the second was to be played by a big brass band. Each couple was prepared to dance until their shoes dropped off.

The royal assistants were the only ones who knew when the announcement was slated to happen: right between both sets of music, with Jimin introducing V as the Prince Taehyung up on stage. All precautions had been taken for security to ensure that nobody at the ball was disturbed, with several people being turned away for accidentally carrying firearms or even just frowning.

Taehyung himself was waiting away from the action, in a green room designated for himself and the Dowager. He was in a blue suit with a tie in both royal colors, with his old child's coat on his shoulders for security. Yeontan ran around the room, excited at all of the commotion and new people outside the door.

Dowager Bang was dressed in the old purple Borahae royal regalia. He would not be making an appearance on stage, but would be in the room for Taehyung if he was needed. "I have said enough to the public," he had told Taehyung and Jimin. "Now, it is your turn."

Taehyung cracked open the door and stared out into the ballroom, packed with dancers waltzing to Strauss. This was such a different world to him, but if he closed his eyes, he could picture himself at one of these same balls so many years ago. He turned back to the Dowager. "Do you think I'll be okay out there?"

"Of course. We're still waiting on your friends to arrive through the front door, but once they are here, I shall give the signal for the orchestra to stop. All of the press is already here."

Taehyung's soft eyes looked down at his feet. "I...I wish they were here already."

"We do what we can with the people who love us." Dowager Bang put a hand on Taehyung's shoulder. "I, for one, am missing your father and your family tonight. But we cannot dwell that long on those memories. They would have not wanted us to be sad tonight, now that we have found each other. Now that you have found yourself."

There was a knock at the door, and then Hoseok came into the room, followed by Seokjin and Jungkook. They were all three dressed in black suits, with purple ties to match the festivities. Jungkook stopped short when he entered, eyes on Taehyung. Now he could fully see it as the truth: this strange man who had lost his memories truly was the long lost Prince, someone he had wanted to share the rest of his life with.

All of the anxiety and sickness left his body. For now, at least, there would be no more melancholia. Let that wait until the end of the ball, when Taehyung had to remain with the royal guard and Jungkook would be sent on his way.

Seokjin shook hands with Jimin, then beckoned over to Jungkook. "You've been cooped up for days! Come say hi!"

Jungkook stepped forward as Taehyung acknowledged him. Both men stared each other down, the rest of the room no longer mattering to either one of them.

"You look...good," Taehyung said first.

"Thanks," Jungkook said, and then he bowed. "Your Highness."

Taehyung put a hand on Jungkook's shoulder. "Don't do that," he whispered, his words only heard by Jungkook under the din and the music. "I...I am happy to have found my family. And I have you to thank for that. Really. You didn't take the money?"

"What use would I have for the money, now that you're happy?" Jungkook asked as he stood fully up again. "I've been meaning to talk to you."

"And I've been meaning to talk to you. Can we talk, please? After all of this is said and done, after the ball tonight?"

"Of course," Jungkook said, then was taken aback again when the Prince wrapped his arms around him. There it was again, that ever familiar feeling, and Jungkook allowed himself to hug Taehyung back.

"You don't remember me? From before?"

Taehyung shook his head, pulling back. "No memories. But...I figure I have to remember you, somehow. Maybe my body does when my mind doesn't. How else would I trust you so easily?"

"Son," the Dowager said, coming up behind him, "it is time. I need to signal the orchestra, and then Jimin will take to the stage."

Taehyung nodded, then slipped his hand almost effortlessly into Jungkook's. The moment he did so, all of his nerves slipped away. It felt like this was exactly where he belonged: as royalty, with his family, both blood and found. He didn't know what would be ahead, but he felt safe as he was now.

He heard something from behind him; turning around, he suddenly felt Jungkook grab him and pull him down to the floor. There were popping sounds coming from somewhere, then screaming as Jungkook plugged Taehyung's ears. He felt guards and police rush by him, and then heard a loud voice over the din:

"What's all the fuss about? We're just here for the party."

He knew that voice from the radio. David Musihan.

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