Chapter IV

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***Warning: Explicit Content


"Damn it!" I kicked a frozen hunk of snow that exploded into a powder with contact. "Damn it!"

How could this have happened? What am I doing? Why? My mind swirled, and the falling snow mimicked the patterns of the thoughts inside my head: swirling and chaotic.

"DAMN it!" I called out again loudly; but alas, the only ones who heard me were the frightened birds and the frozen breeze, steadily getting angrier as I did.

I knew I had a choice to make. I could stay here, with Pitch, and help him to overtake this world. This would be a suitable "screw you" you to the Guy on the Moon, and would finally allow me to be seen by the world for once, all while being with the --- I blushed as I thought it, or perhaps that was just the cold --- love of my life. On the other hand, I could betray my lover, remain unseen, and remain as the fun yet mythical bringer of snow and frost, eventually forgotten, eventually even from legends --- lost forever from even the minds of children. The answer seemed obvious, but something was keeping me from being sure that it was the right decision.

For hours, I paced back and forth, furiously thinking and trying to place what exactly it was that bothered me. By nightfall, I had still no answers to guide me towards choosing a path. Frustrated, I threw myself into a patch of snow, the previous storm now only a light dusting of powdered sugar. There was no moon tonight. Fitting, I thought bitterly, that my creator would not even be present or watching as I make the decision between hero and villain. I knew which he would side with, but I cared very little for his opinion. He had abandoned me and never loved me. Two things that, no matter how dark and evil, Pitch never did to me.

I knew where I belonged.

* * *

My knuckles sounded loudly against the heavy black door that lead to Pitch's "study" of sorts; I suppose you could call it his lair.

The echo of my knock was met with a prompt "come in please," and I did so quietly, nervously looking around as I wandered through the dimly lit room towards the huge globe where I knew Pitch planned all of his attacks and schemes; the lights of all of the believer children seemed to sparkle as the darkened ones were replaced by those that were lit.

I stood behind him silently for a few moments, awkwardly contemplating what to say. The dark man in front of me seemed to be writing in a large journal with extreme concentration; my presence didn't seem to provide much distraction.

"I took care of your friend. I sent her through a portal back to her world with the memory of this place removed, and with her body unharmed."

Guilty, I looked down in shade. I'd completely forgotten about Tooth in all of my frustration--- some friend I was. Maybe I really was meant to turn Dark.

"G-good." I replied, genuinely relieved at his compassionate actions.

Pitch suddenly turned around, giving me a serious look, and holding a small, purple, marble-like orb in his hand. "You can return as well, Jack. You're not a prisoner here. This will take you straight to the North Pole from here." From an onlooker's point of view, he seemed emotionless, cold, and uncaring. But I knew better --- the look in his eye and ever-so-slight catch in his voice showed how pained he was to offer me this opportunity.

I shook my head. "Don't be stupid." Snatching the little portal from his hand, I froze it in my hands, then smashed it against the ground. "I won't betray you that easily."

A look of disbelief and relief came over him, and then suddenly his arms were around me, and my mouth on his once again. This time, I melted into my lover, and gave into his embrace without argument.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2021 ⏰

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