Ch. 7.5 Secrets?

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As Duncan went to the hanger to add all modifications to the ships, Kim laid in bed, simply flustered at what had occurred. So many thoughts were rushing throughout her head as she moved around, tossing and turning as the thoughts began to overwhelm her.

Kim: H-He...finally...did it....Duncan kissed me.....passionately....I felt that he

Before finishing her sentence, she put a pillow on her face as she gave a girlish squeal over the pillow. It was clear that this one event lead to Kim's flustered actions and thoughts beyond what Duncan is capable of. A knock on the door came upon Kim's bedroom as the doors automatically opened.

Hannah: Hey Kim it's time to oh.....

Nilesy: She's still a red ball of happiness?

Hannah: Yep...the way she's acting has blown beyond my expectations of what Kim would be after Duncan would do something as this.

Hannah carried her as she continued to roll up in her ball of redness and flustered proportions and after an hour of her squirming of excitement, she was able to get Kim out of the room, and went towards the command center.

Kim: This must be a amazingly happy dream....

Nilesy: Oh it's no dream Ms. Kim...but I must say something. Hypothetically speaking of course...what would you do if this secret went out to the rest of the Yogscast...

Hannah & Kim: Nilesy....what did you do...

Nilesy: Oh nothing that is too concerning...

Suddenly Kim snapped out of her flustered state and tried grabbing Nilesy's shirt collar, but was only to get on his shirt midway.

Kim: Nilesy...if you did what I think you did, my wrath will forever be on your shoulders...

And after that Nilesy simply vanished in a near puff of smoke as Kim and Hannah chased him around the base. For about twenty minutes, their were running around as the yells and screams of the group echoed through the halls of the base. The girls were determined to make Nilesy speak. Suddenly he made a quick turn into the command room as the doors quickly closed on the both of them.

Kim: Grr...stupid automatic futuristic doors!

As the doors opened, on the main screen of the command room played a recording of both the audio and video of the entire conversation between Kim and Duncan in their bedroom.

Nilesy: I was really happy for the both of you, and I thought that some close people other than Duncan, Hannah and I...should....well....know about this little...secret...

Monitor: "Hey Duncan...Yeah? Forgive me for this....but I waited five years for this..."

Some members in that room were silent while others were struck by the amazement of their connection.

Hannah: You didn't even tell me about it...

Nilesy: Well I wanted it to be a surprise....

Kim: Nilesy! You're a dead man!

As Kim yelled those words, everyone in the room turned around seeing Kim and many of them began to cheer and clap there hands to see her. Kim simply froze in slight embarrassment as some people began to congratulate her and talk to her about what they just saw.

Sips: Well I'm not really a big emotional person. But all I can say is that I'm happy for you both. And you owe me one hundred dollars for me introducing him.

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