Ch.3.5: Daydreaming (Part 2)

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Kim, Nilesy and Hannah went toh the entrance of the ship dock and began spying on Duncan and Lewis. They slowly crept behind them, hidhing behind columns and ships trying not to be spotted by them. Finally, the both of them stopped and were beginning to observe the modifications on Duncan's ship.

Kim: Alright I got a clear view  of Duncan on my sights.

Nilesy: Good know a beam should show only on your view of the glasses. Aim that beam at Dunca's brain or heart and hold it there for five seconds, and then you should be able to get a reading.

Kim out on the glasses, and aimed for Duncan's brain and was prepared to get a reading on his mind. But out of nowhere Lewis stepped in where Duncan was and got a reading of Lewis' brain instead.

 Kim: Darn it! I got Lewis' brain waves.

Suddenly Hannah snatched the glasses from Kim.

Hannah: Let me see them. Aww...he's thinking of me! And the fate of Earth. Also he's apparently tramutized by his last birthday.

Nilesy: Right when I sent him that basic of cheese. Well as least you liked it Hannah.

Kim: Guys...focus! Alright let's try this again.

Once more, Kim wore the glasses and started to focus once more onto Duncan's brain wave activity. She centered the beam once more and was ready to get a reading. But this time, Rhythian came in and blocked Duncan. Once more she failed to get his reading and instead got a reading of Rhythian that was almost blank til an image of Zoey showed up.

Nilesy & Hannah: Well that's not surprising.

Kim: Alright time to take drastic measures...

Kim came from behind the ship they were hiding and just walked to where Lewis and Duncan were at.

Hannah: Wow that's very bold of her...

Soon Kim was near and entered between Duncan and Lewis' conversation.

Lewis: We also added a tractor beam to your arsenal of technology improvements, not only can it hold random objects but it can also be able to hold an estimated number of people with a decent amount of oxygen to last them about thirty minutes total.

Duncan: Alright how about speed and fuel supply?

Lewis: The ship can now hold about twice of its original fuel, so you can reach hyper speed in only five seconds now rather than the regular ten to twenty seconds.

Duncan: Amazing! These modifications will definetely help me out. *turns to the side* Oh hi Kim! Nice to see you here.

Lewis: I'm guessing Hannah and Nilesy showed you around a bit?

Kim: Yes they did! It was absolutely amazing! I still can't believe all three of you guys this most of this by yourself.

Duncan: It was a lot of labor, but it was worth the time and effort for us to finally have our own private moon base here.

Lewis: Just be sure to stay away Simon's private stash of Jaffa Cakes.

They all laughed together.

Kim: "This is my chance..."

Kim focused the glasses at Duncan's brain, and they were getting any readings.

Duncan: Hey Kim. Since when did you wear glasses? I thought you were twenty, twenty vision.

 Kim: Oh these are just glasses for fun. Hannah gave them to me. How do they look? Do I look kawaii master?

Kim began to pose cutely as Duncan sllightly blushed as he saw her posing.

Duncan: Well it looks very nice on you. *ahem*

The both of lightly blushed as the dock fell into complete awkward silence. Soon Kim's glasses  got a reading.

Kim: Alright I'm going back to find Hannah and Nilesy. Bye guys!

Kim left Lewis and Duncan as they continued to observe the ships other modifications, and she met up with Hannah and Nilesy to see the results of the test.

Kim: I got it! I got it!

Nilesy: Alright lets see what's on Duncan's mind...

They reviewed what was on Duncan's mind through the glasses. 

Hannah: Let's see here....well....

Nilesy took the glasses from Hannah.

Nilesy: Come on now Hannah. It can't be that bad. Oh I see what you mean?

Kim: What are you guys talking about? Let me see.

Kim looking through the glasses and saw the brain waves that were connected by Duncan's brain. She saw through many different things ranging from his many different inventions, to the many different experiences he had with everyone. Even the biggest thing on his mind was that he was really hungry. But even through also these memories, not one had or even involved Kim in it.

Kim: Where am I in his memories? Does he.....does he really not care for me?

When Kim was about to give, there was a locked section of memories inside the core of Duncan's mind.

Kim: Wait what is this?

Hannah: What did you find?

Kim: It appears to be a locked memory in Duncan's mind.

Nilesy: Interesting...Duncan's brain waves have a restricted category within his memories.

Kim: Would that possibly mean that it would be memories that are kinda....naughty?

Nilesy: Not necessarily. It could mean some really big things that Duncan doesn't wish to share. There's a high possibility that Duncan's true feelings are hidden there.

Kim: Do you think we can be able to decode it?

Nilesy: Not on the glasses. We need to head to the main computer room to be able to decode it.

Hannah: Alright! Let's go Team Alpha!

Kim: Forget the team names. Let's just go!

All three of them left for the main computer room, hoping to unlock the deepest secrets in Duncan's mind. Will Kim finally know how Duncan feels or will it remain as a secret?

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