Chapter 4 - Blood

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Sitting at the table, no one spoke a word.
Mars looked at Daekun,
What happened to your face?'
Everybody else faces turned to nervousness , while Daemons turned to guilt.
'You really need to get a grip of you-
Mars looked at her spoon,
dripping with blood.
Thats when she looked down at her bowl.
She dropped her spoon in her bowl,
"Mars? Why is there blood in your bowl? Mars?'
At that point everyone was terrified.
"1,1 dont know! I don't Know!'
Daemon stared at Mars' hands, terrified.
She lifted up her hands to see they were drenched in blood.
Mars let out a Spine chilling Scream.
Her hands started shaking but when she stared back down at her hand
they were fine. No blood, Nothing. They were sqeaky clean.
'I, I need to lie down'

Just then a letter came through the door,
Jae opened it and inside was a picture,
A picture of a field.

The same Field were Summer ended.
The same Field it all ended.

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