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David wasn't happy. Not in the slightest.

"Where are my shoes?" The tone was full of venom, it seemed to pour over Callum. Or maybe that was saliva, david was remarkably drunk already.

"What?" Callum laughed. "You've only had a few beers since the last line, calm down. What is it? Shoes?"

At this point David was red, he got in Callum's face. 

"Where the fuck are they? You always do this." He then pushed Callum down hard. "WHERE!"

Callum was confused and dazed, he didn't want to fight a mate but this was getting too much for him. He decided to pin him and down and restrain him. It didn't go well.

Like a pig about to he slaughtered he whined, and then escaped, ran and put his foot through glass from a bottle they smashed against a tree last night. The screams were now in pain not agony.

"Shit, shit, it's gone through between my toes."

Callum ran over.


"Will you help me up? I need help man, where's my shoes? Seriously?"

"I don't know!" Callum's tone portrayed a picture of anger, not one of sympathy for his friend.

"What the fuck Callum, help! Get me something to tie it up with after I get it out!"

So Callum did, but he didn't go too far as to not hear the whines of pain from David as he was pulling an inch piece of glass from between his big toe.

Atleast it sobered them both up.

Now resting on the green camp chairs brought up by Callum they decided it would be best to have a little get well soon party. David led the way with his morale.

"Come on rack up then." He called to the bottom half of his friend, who's top half was in his tent looking for something.

"Wait." Callum snapped, he sounded angry. "Where is it?"

David went back in his chair as Callum stormed over. The incoming face was full of fury. David felt a bit sick.

"Where's the sniff?" Callum was up in David's face. "There's atleast a couple grams but it's not in my pouch?"

"Didn't we do it all?" The reply was a weak effort, low thought and implied Callum was a nitwit. "I swear?"

This earned David a hard slap. Now his face was red, but still not as red as Callum's, who now looked sunburnt.

Cowering in fear David's attempts to get his attacker off his new white t-shirt failed, he was now being held in one hand and slapped with the other. Each time hurt more than the last until the third knocked him off his chair and on the floor. He screamed, something hit his poor foot.

"GET OFF, I DONT HAVE IT I SWEAR!" He was almost crying. "Check your pillow get off my foot, MY FOOT GET OFF!"

Callum then switched back, as if he hadn't just turned to a beast and got off.

"My pillow? Oh yeah." He ran off to search.

Quickly sensing his opportunity David went into his backpocket and threw it on the floor, just by the tree near the seat he was on. He smiled. But stopped suddenly.

"No, it's not there." Callum pointed his head out his tent, his orange hair looking a mess.

Striding over he seemed to want to carrying on accusing and slapping David but he then stepped on something.

"Oh." Callum obviously thought it'd fallen out a pocket when he slapped David.

"Yeah you dickhead. And where are my shoes? You attack me because you don't check your pockets and you're the only suspect in the investigation for my shoes? What the fuck?"

"We're going home later, if you lost your shoes on that walk last night then that's your own fault for getting fucked up. You take your shoes off like a girl David."

"Fuck off."

They then laughed and went into the ice pack for a beer. David passed one to Callum and took one for himself, but he heard a grunt from behind, as if a grown child was behind him.

"What? You sound like a kid? Why you complaining?" David called behind him.

He then saw it being passed back and took it, and then he realised. Empty.

"Sorry mate, I'll fetch another." And like a dog he did.

When they were back sitting, relaxing, they heard something that made them feel the opposite. Stress and anxiety waved through the body with every howl, it seemed there were multiple wolves. But there wasn't any wolves in England?

"What the fuck is that?" Callum was horrified.

"It sounds like wolves, but there's no wolves here? Is there?" David couldn't hold the fear out of his voice.

"Sneaky." A hushed voice came out of no where but everywhere, it filled the heads of both Callum and David.

"Sneaky?" David had forgotten all about the supposed wolves. "Did you call me sneaky?"

Callum laughed.


Callum now turned to his companion.

"You mate need some sleep, it's been a few days now, I need sleep."

"But it's morning? Don't change the subject."

"You're hearing things." Callum then turned his back on David.

"Sneak, sneaky sneak, creepy creep." This time the voice came from Callum's mouth.

"WHAT?" David stood as fast as he could and grabbed his stick for balance.

"What?" Callum turned but it was into a stick, albeit the impact wasn't hard he did still fall down.

Gripping the shirt again of David's he brought him down with him, realising his mistake David again went to try defend his face, but this time was more fatal.

The rock in Callum's hand had a nasty point, the first blow cracked the skull and the second went right through. But it didn't stop there. Callum couldn't help himself. He rose from David's body now twitching and screamed.


He then threw the rock down double handed into David's face, it made a cracking sound before rolling away but Callum didn't notice, he was too busy screaming and kicking his once former friend. The kinetic energy from the blows of Callum's kicks were more than enough to break bones, he was a kick boxer. And then he stopped suddenly, a sound behind him seemed to surround him. The howling of wolves and a voice.


Looking around to find the voice he only saw something hanging from a tree, impossibly high up were David's shoes.

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