Meeting the team

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After agreeing to date Kenma I was happy after all he is a really cute boy and his love for cats makes me go (IM GONNA NEED THAT BRO 💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💥💥💥💥🪪🪪🪪🪪🪪🪪💥💥💥)

School starts in one day I'm pretty excited for the new year because I have some things I want to accomplish this year. For example (learning how to play piano, getting better grades, making friends, making Kenma's team jealous by kissing Kenma on the lips, and being the manager on his volleyball club)

          Kenma and y/n's chat
Hello y/n!

Hey pudding


I wanna tell u sum


I wanna be the manager on ur club

Wow! Really?


:) anyways I'm gonna add some of the team to our chat so you can meet them


Kenma has added Kuroo to the chat

Kenma has added lev to the chat

Kenma has added Yaku to the chat

Hey Kenma



Hey guys I want you to meet someone


Hi everyone

Kenma who is this cute girl she's kinda hot



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Um Chile anyways so.
Im y/n I am gonna be the manager on your volleyball club

Hi im Yaku this is me

(Yaku)Hi im Yaku this is me

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