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"And I hope you understand.."

"And I hope you understand..?"

"We we're never friends..and I hope you understand now"

Jung Hoseok.. I watch you, dancing upon that stage. with such grace. your moves, teasing smirks, appealing style, and beautiful sunshine like smile. I want it all for me. I must have it. you must be mine, I need that smile to smile at me. I need to feel you, every, part of you. your lips, your hands, your body, all of it.

I want to shower you with all of my love and affection. I want you to love me like how I love you.

I'm gonna make you mine. even if it's the last thing I do..

9:46 pm.

It was only recently after the concert. yoonmii gleamed with joy, constantly smiling to herself as she remembered the not to long ago moments that occurred Infront of her dragon like eyes. she exited with the rest of the other BTS stan members, also known as the powerful, Army.

she popped in her headphones before scrolling to her gallery. tapping onto the videos she took of the popular boy group. she slightly smiled seeing the fast moving frames on her screen, which created the video image.

mini flashback

yoonmii screamed with excitement along with all the other army as the members each walked around the stage, singing along to the music that played aloud the large speakers. the boys singing and rapping along to the beat.

yoonmii stared at one particular member, she thought all of them we're ridiculously handsome but one member caught her eye, Jung Hoseok, also known as J-Hope, or Hobi as most preferred to call him. The cute chubby cheeked boy walked to the edge of the stage, rapping out lyrics to the song Cypher 3. yoonmii rocked her head along to the beat, rapping out the lyrics while staring intensely at hoseoks lips, gazing from his lips to his face, to his lips once more then down his body. Shamelessly checking him out, licking her dry lips, refreshing moisture to them, as they gleamed with a rosy reddish tint.

She was trying out new make-up from numerous tutorials. the natural reddish lips smudged with clear lip gloss that gave it a more watery look to her lips. Her smokey cat eye look, with white highlights under her eyelids, highlighted nose, and slight pink blush added to her cheeks and on her nose to give more of an 'natural' take on blush. Her styling being based around the Tomboy and Y2K theme. Air Jordans 4 UV (university) Blue, accompanied with some grey-ish cargos that seemed baggy around her lower legs but hugged her thighs and waist, with a skull belt around her waist as her BTS keychain on her loops of her pants. Her White Tank Top, showing off her curved out form, blessed by god's hands. She waved around her phone slightly as she recorded Hoseok walking to her end of the stage, noticing it and lightly grabbing her phone as he recorded himself, then turned his back to the crowd recording the hundreds of fans in the small frame of the device, then turning around back to face the internally screaming girl.

He bit his lip in a teasing manner as he bent down, turing around once more as they both we're in the screen, recording them both, He continued to rap out lyrics, as yoonmii copied and rapped along with him. He faced her once more before handing her back her device. Standing up before winking at her and throwing her his bandana on his hip. yoonmii frantically caught it, hurriedly stuffing it into her purse so noone would take it.

She smiled like crazy the rest of the night after that moment, all the way until the concert was officially over.

flashback end

She internally smiled to herself once more before gliding her slender fingers across the screen, admiring hoseoks lovely features. 'the things you do to me' she thought to herself before going to her Instagram, posting on her story about the concert, then recording herself and her outfit, showing off her shoes in a another photo.

once yoonmii got into her home, she placed her bag onto her bed. carefully taking off her shoes before putting them back into their corrected box. sitting them on its shelf. she slightly smiled to herself as she stared into the mirror at her figure. "all that working out paid off, only thing is this baby fat is still present on my face." she said, slightly pouting at the last words that left her lips. she grabbed her pajama set as she walking into her bathroom, pinning up her styled hair and wiping off the makeup, only to leave her chubby bare face.

she sighed, stripping from her clothes before getting into the steamy shower, cleansing her body of sweat. calmed into the water as she felt herself slowly growing more and more tired.

after stepping out the shower, drying off, putting her hair up, moisturizing her face, and applying lotion to her body, yoonmii retreated to her bed. flopping onto it before getting comfortable in her sheets. grabbing the bandana hoseok threw her, she smelled it, taking in his fragrance, enjoying the scent of him. she placed it onto her nightstand before looking at her phone one last time. seeing the post hoseok made about an hour ago.

she smiled. seeing his handsome face in his pictures and seeing the posts of army and the boys all together. "god, you are such a masterpiece." she mumbled to herself, remembering his outfit from the concert. that smirk on his face. that messy but soft looking hair atop his head, glowing cheeks, sweat placed along his face, indicating his tiredness. she loved it all. so much she wanted him all to herself. she bit her lip before thinking of him, in her presence, them together, watching movies, sharing ice-cream, them kissing, all sorts of things. they invaded her brain as she fell asleep. In her wonderland of obsessions.

Chapter end.

1033 words.

hope you enjoyed the story so far, it'll only get more interesting from here on out.

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