What's in a name?

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It was a lazy Saturday. Lucy had taken the day off guild work to relax and she could think of no better way then lounging on the couch, with a hot drink on the table in front of her. No need to think or do anything, just lazily take in the sun streaming in from her windows. She loved her friends and her guild, but sometimes a woman needed some time to herself.

And yet, someone clearly hadn't received the memo. She'd laid her keys on the table by her drink and a soft light was pouring from it. A spirit wanted her attention. She could ignore them she supposed but the guilt would weigh on her, besides she should probably do something today. With sluggish movement caused by a half awake body she reached out to pull the pouch to her and sleepily fumble with the pouch flap. When she finally got it open she was surprised that it was Aries calling out to her. She always waited for either her or Loke to come to her, for her to show such initiative and courage just showed how comfortable she was getting with them. An easy grin overtook her as she answered Aries's call, intrigued by what she wanted.

Her power opened Aries's door and allowed her to shyly stand by the couch, smilingly slightly down at her.

"Hello Lucy"

"Hey Aries, come sit down. What's up?"

She patted the seat by her and after a second of hard deliberation, Aries slowly sat by her. She looked down at her knees as she fidgeted with the edge of her wooly dress. There was a moment of peace before she quietly spoke up again.

"I'm ok. I-I want to ask you something"

She scooted in closer to Aries, waiting for a second before slowly reaching out to hold her hand. She jumped slightly in response before shyly looking up at her.

"I...I have a request to make and...maybe it's a bit silly. I don't know if it's worth your time. Maybe I should-"

"Aries" She gently interrupted her impending spiral, squeezing her hand. "I want to listen to you, nothing that's weighing on your mind is pointless to me. Take your time and when you're ready, tell me what you need to. Would a drink help you?"

"Ah! Please!"

She finally looked straight into her eyes, mood slowly lifting at the promise of understanding and a warm drink. She stretched as she stood, a little upset that she let out a loud yawn. She grabbed her mug and hurried to the kitchen, absolutely not running away from how rude that was. She mindlessly made their drinks, she could make Aries's lavender tea blindfolded. She'd never actually tried it before the sheep spirit recommended it and now she drank it to relax. She made them both a cup while she tried to work out what it was that Aries actually wanted. It was strange that it bothered her to the point she'd fight her fear of being a bother to voice it. Regardless of what she was saying, it had to mean something right? Practically buzzing with curiosity she walked as quickly as she safely could back to Aries.

She was back on the sofa with barely any tea spilled faster then even she thought she could go. It just took the proper motivation she supposed. She watched with barely concealed anticipation as Aries quietly sipped her drink. She closed her eyes, her soft smile growing.

"You make a wonderful tea Lucy"

"Oh. Thank you"

Not what she was looking for, but she would take the compliment. Between this and Loke's love of her catnip tea, she'd like to think she was good with drinks if nothing else. They drank in a comfortable peace. Aries scooted closer, leaning slightly on her as she relaxed against her. Aries let out a soft sigh, speaking tenderly for only them.

"I want a human name"

"You what?"

She flustered, hiding her face into her neck, mumbling.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2022 ⏰

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