chapter 19 | Safety

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The car ride is silent, an awkward atmosphere circling us. Kade's fist clenched the steering wheel tightly, his jaw working.

After the whole fiasco, he had been tense and quiet. My mind was still running miles over the fact he had to make himself bleed to control himself.

A sense of terror runs through me, finally realizing that this is not the same Kade I knew.

I Kade I knew was buried and is now replaced by an unforgivable dark man. One that I knew nothing about.

He wasn't shy anymore but bold with his actions.

And he definitely wasn't as happy as before.

He used to be talkative and always had a smile on his face. A sharp object sliced through my heart at the fact that the Kade I knew was lost, somewhere deprived of the happiness he knew.

I always wondered what his father was doing to him all these years.

And I still do every single day.

The road gets bumpy as he makes his way to his house, the seatbelt pressing into me. He curses under his breath, seeing a figure walk up the car.

Adrian's jaw is locked, his foot tapping rapidly.

"You have some fucking explaining to do." He grunts, holding up his phone.

And there is a video with Kade glaring down at Luca, whispering something deadly in his ear.

Millions of people have already seen it, shocked by the Eros family's entrance into society.

Willingly or not.

Kade's face tightens, opening his mouth before closing it tightly.

He turns to me, tilting his head to my house, "Go inside. I'll follow you after."

Sensing the tense atmosphere, I nod blindly before making my way out of the car. Turning back to see an angry Adrian glaring down at Kade.


Rhea's face whitens, her eyes starting to glaze over. She swallows, holding her knees tightly as she takes a deep breath. "He's here?" She says shakily, licking her lips nervously.

The air is tense, a sense of terror slicing through it. She was on the couch, hiding under thick blankets as she bit her lip.

I turn away, not wanting to see her terrified face. "Yes," I say, looking anywhere other than her. Kiaa squeezes her shoulder soothingly, moving her hair out of Rhea's face.

Shyla looks deadly, her jaw grinding as she mutters to herself silently. Dallia paces back and forth, looking down at the ground.

Adrian stands in the corner, his face unreadable as he looks at Rhea.

The girls are silent as they take in what I had just told them, their faces as cold as ice. Kade stands up from beside me, stuffing his hands in his pockets.

"This house isn't safe from him, and the fact that he knows Malia was in Portofino confirms that." He grunts out, looking around the house.

"And since it's unsafe for Rhea, she can't stay here." He says, making Dallia stand up immediately. "Are you kidding me? Where the hell would she stay?" She exclaims, her face flushed.

Adrian steps up, holding up his hand awkwardly, "At my house." Rhea's eyes widen, staring up at him with a new interest.

Kade nods, "His house is the sec-" He coughs, "the first safest house to go, it's a reasonable choice." He says to Rhea, itching the back of his head. She rolls her eyes at him, standing up before walking upstairs.

Adrian passes me a confused glance, "Where's she goin'? He asks. I shrug, making my way upstairs with her.

Hopefully, she doesn't throw any shoes at him.

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