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nothing ! - 002

hailey's pov

i sat in math class tapping the pencil to the beat of the song stuck in my head, billie dyed her hair to platinum blonde. now its gonna be impossible to not stare at her. the dismiss bell rang, i got up not to happy, mario caught a cold so i had no one to sit with, i spotted billies friend henry, its been two months since the incident and henry has been trying to get ahold of me on snapchat and instagram, but i ignore. billie almost murdered me! then had the guts to call me a criminal! my phone dinged and my thoughts flushed away as to read the message from my mom

i bailed your father.

my eyes grew wide in shock i quickly run to the unisex bathroom and go inside the stall, i ringed my mom but she wouldnt budge. my insides were melting. not in the good way. my throat felt like fire was about to erupt. but then a unknown number called

united staes of america
answer or decline

i bite my lip, but answer anyways

(bold is ?, normal is hailey)

"hey honey!" my... my father said.

what?! what do you want?

"aww, no 'dad i missed you' or 'i thank you for feeding us!' you've changed havent you hail?"

don't ever call me hail. you never were here because your ass sold fucking meat of dead people! your a psychopath!

"don't ever fucking call me that you stupid slut. your mother and i worked hard."

no, mom worked hard not YOU. you have been a stupid STUPID father figure. you killed humans who did nothing wrong!

"get outside school and get in the car."

- hung up -

i kiss my teeth, then see a very shocked henry. i walked up to him "tell anyone, ANYONE. and i'll fucking murder you. understand?" "jesus. queen is mad af" he says flipping his imaginary hair "are you gay?!" "no, men and men are cute couples but hell nah am i doing that!" i raised a brow "so your a homophobic?" "no way! im not comfortable in a gay relationship" "oh, okay. also just dont tell anyone." "sure secrets safe with me queen!" i nod, "wait can i get your number?" "im gay!" "damn bitch i know that, your cool i wanna be friends" "oh and your not go na give billie my number?" i cross my arms


i stare at him

"no, heres mine" he hands me a paper with his number on it "okay thanks"

i get outside and see my dads old ass car, i opened the door and my mom wasnt there, and surpise surpise the killer is in my car. "hey honey!" he opened his arms for a hug, i was forced to so i did.

the car ride home was quiet, dad was just driving while i put 911 in my apps thing, just to be sure. when i reached home, i entered henrys number then decided to hop on and study for a bit, once when i was done i texted henry.


hey its um billie
seen at 5pm


a/n note
hello all! sorry for a late update just really tired!! thank you so much for reading i'll see yall soon♡ mwah love you♡

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