True rage

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Fast forward you lost 2 out of 5 guys. You can play the whole scene in you head if you want. Your friends had to hide for the time being. You've been captured and taken to the leader. Thinking of a plan to escape and destroy everything the leader tries to see how tough the armor is. They manage to shut it down while your still in it. Just throwing grenades at you laughing while they throw them.

The leader in a Spanish accent: alright men! Why not see who we got inside these tin cans.  Vomonos.

Your partner on your right: shit. We're fucked.
You: got any ideas?

Partner on your left: not sure. Hopefully we'll make it outta here safe and sound.

You: ok a man of high hopes. Cool just what we need

Partner on you left: better than thinking hopelessly.

Leader: You Americans. Think you can walk in my domain and take us out one by one eh? Well I expected some company. Hope for the best plan for the worst right, (y/n)? I mean you were the one who designed these fine pieces of art no? No matter my men will tear them apart one piece at a time. Dead or alive. But first. Why not a little game?

You: ah fuck...

???: wait. (Y/n). Oh shit how the hell do we keep bumping into each other?

You: hey Nicolas. How's it goin ya cheap bastard?

Nicolas: oh pretty good. Now that your here I have something to look forward to.

You: and what's that.

Nicolas: I get finally get to knock you down for good. Prove that I truly am the best at everything you can do.

You: yeah why don't you kiss my sorry ass for not knocking up your mother sooner to give you a little  brother to fuck with.

Nicolas: you don't want to fuck with me. Look at where your at right now.  This is my territory with my people. And there's something else I forgot to mention...

You: spare me the bullshit speech about 'your people'. At least I get to finally kick your ass when I get outta here.

Nicolas: ok let me show you what I mean.

Nicolas: ok let me show you what I mean

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You: well shit.

Leader: alright enough of this show and tell we've got work to do. Let's have some fun amegos.

Cheers throughout the cave. They take the other two soldiers always to get the armor off and kill them while you were kept for a target for their game.
They threw fireballs at you and shot 50kal bullets everywhere around you. Bruised up and bleeding a little. You get frustrated. So sick of taking losses and always beat to the ground. Never could beat the enemy. Always the weak one. It's enough to piss you off enough almost at your breaking point before you turn into the rider your friends come in and start fighting everyone. Loona helps you power ok the suit and you go to work

You: thanks Loona.

Loona : no problem.

You go for Nicolas first. The fight is on. Trading punches and kicks. Throwing each other around the place. He starts to overpower you. Beating you to the ground over and over again.  Easily triggered you jump up slowing ripping the armor off. Flames start to ignite. There is pain all through out your body and you start laughing. Like an evil laugh

Your skin slowly catches on fire. You burn from the inside out. Eyes, hands, legs. Everything burns. Then finally you are the ghost rider

 Then finally you are the ghost rider

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Nicolas: Hugh. Your like me.

You in a deep voice: I am nothing like you

Nicolas: alright let's see what ya got.

He still overpowers you for a little while

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He still overpowers you for a little while. But the rage consumed you and you beat the living shot outta him. Then you black out in the middle of the fight and snap back and see everyone is on the ground dead. Killed very viciously. Guys and blood everywhere. Your hands are red from your victims.

Your shocked and frozen in fear. Still in the rider form fueled with rage you run off. Just running off into the open. Soldiers pointed their guns at you. Naturally you see this as a threat and force the chain from your dead enemy and it comes to you. Your ready to fight. Then a sniper hits you in the head. Your skull is in pieces all over the place. Your IMP friends are now hiding and saw the whole thing.

Blitz: WHOAH! Damn I kinda liked that guy.

Everyone sighs in sadness. But they see you get back up. Pulling all your pieces back together. Even more enraged you see where the shot came from and blew fire from your mouth in that direction. He's dead burning. Running towards the nearest soldier you. Pick him up. Slam him to the ground.

Skip 20 minutes.

The last soldier you beat to a bloody pulp. The terrorist are dead. By your hand. Your ride comes up and it's under your control. Drive off into the night leaving a trail of flame behind you.

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