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. . .
So this is it, isn't it?

The End. . . Of This Story?

The End. . . Of This Pathetic TimeLine?

The End. . . Of This AU?

. . .

Oh well, too bad. It's not like I'm going to miss it anyways, it's a pretty worthless timeline don't you think reader? Don't you think that there's already too many timelines, AU's and that's 'alternative' endings? Pretty useless and waste of space. Just too many! Like, why can't there just be one existing timeline like it used to be!?

. . .

I may sound stupid to some of you readers but I still hold my point and I'll stick with it 'till the end of my life and I'll TAKE IT TO MY GRAVE NO MATTER WHAT!! I stick with my answer, like it or not, I will definitely destroy this timeline. I mean, look at them! Nightmare and Killer together? I mean, c'mon, don't you think that's a bit silly? Also with the bad sanses not fighting the star sanses as usual because of a few issues the bad sanses are having, c'mon! Look, I'm not against Killer and Nightmare being together or anything like that, but this timeline is. . . just not right.

. . .

This timeline, is corrupted.

I know, I know it sounds, crazy. It sure does, but I'm only here to fix it, by destroying this timeline.
And, I already know that there's readers who say: "But why destroy it?!" Or "Don't you dare destroy the timeline!" Or whatever, but I don't care. I have to destroy it, to protect the people who I care about the most.

. . .

There's also some readers who probably think I'm Error or something. I mean, you're-

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