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A/N: this was inspired by @sonadow.land_ on tiktok and art credit to @permo2003 on tumbler, go check them both out

TW: Blood, Gore, Death

Narrator/3rd Person POV

Knuckles stood there at his village, waiting for his 'tribe' and father to come back after telling him to stay put

he waited 'patiently' for their 'arrival', but no came back

he soon started to get mad about what was happening, and soon decided to leave and search oit for everyone.

He walked through the woods, the smell of the trees barks tainting the air, it smelled a bit nice

each step was careful, passing each and every tree through his path

if you listened closely, you could hear the sound of his shoes hitting the dirt path quietly, a few crunches of the dry and dead leaves were made below him.

He mare his way, through the woods, it was soon getting dark

it was a good thing he knew the way back home, if not, he'd be lost and possibly 'hunted' by others

Knuckles came to an area, filled with arrows and blood, there was a large broken branch on the ground

he looked up, seeing one of the large trees missing its branches.

He looked 'concerned', he started following some things he could find from the area

such as the arrows, spears and broken parts of 'nature'

some where broken, some where covered in blood, it was starting to make him worried, as those 'weapons' were part of his 'tribes' makings.

He then saw a bush, blocking his way to the end of the trail

he walked up to it before using his 'gloved hands' to push the bush aside to see what was behind it

it was a hill he was on, and below the hill was something that would 'haunt' him.

The air was thin, his breaths were deep, eyes wide as they took in the 'horrors' bellow

his body was trembling in 'fear' at the 'horrible sight', and tears had formed into his eyes

he looked around, spotting a slanted hill that could let him go down to his right

he ran to it and slid down the hill, before seeing the 'area' more clearly.

It was his 'tribe', laying on the ground lifelessly.. Knuckles looked frantically for his 'father'

but couldn't find his body anywhere, his tribe laid there

blood covering and soaking them, some with their weapons inside them, and others who had heads open, guts spilled

even two hanged up from tree branches that stabbed them in the head and for the other one was the chest.

Knuckles ran around, his shoes soaking in the blood of his own 'tribe'

The tribe |Sonic The Movie? AU| SonadowWhere stories live. Discover now