Chapter 3

147 4 9

Narrator/3rd Person POV

Sonic shifted in his sleep, eyes slowly fluttering, he was welcomed by a dim room he knew well

his eyes moved around the place; observing it, taking in the realization that he was back in the hut, he moved his head as a bright light came from outside the room, slipping through the creaks in the curtains

Knuckles must've been awake, and probably really pissed about him going out and almost getting caught, or did he actually get caught...?

He moved silently, sitting up and rubbing the back of his head, feeling a lot of pain, probably from whatever blow he took back in the tree

The tree.. Sonic's mind raised as he slowly started to remember a bit of what happened, and those new people he had seen back near the river, except they weren't clearly people, more like them.

the blue hedgehog stood up, looking around and quickly going into stealth mode as he jumped on a

Last thing he remembered was being knocked out from the top of the tree, before he came crashing down and hitting his head

his mind went onto thoughts, asking stuff that maybe Knuckles would might answer

although, he'd not want to be having a little chit chatting around with his elder brother, especially a possible pissed out one.

The blue hedgehog stood up, his headaches giving him a feeling to just wanna close his eyes and lay back down in bed

but his energetic self kept telling him to stop laying around all day.. or night- in their room

Discontinued shit i forgot to mention/post-

The tribe |Sonic The Movie? AU| SonadowTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon