Ch 20 - Out of place

330 26 8

*Knock Knock*

Kiara: Ah,that must be IRyS and Bae

Calli: I wonder what took them so long

Kiara made her way to the front door as she opened the door,she was greeted by a Tired IRyS,a Sleeping drunk Bae and a random Child

Kiara: IRyS!,Um . . . Who's child is that??

IRyS: I don't know,I just found her on the streets crying and I couldn't just leave her. She's still a kid and it's dangerous outside

Kiara pinched the bridge of her nose

Kiara: Fiiinnnee. I'll let it slide since she's a kid BUT you'll be taking care of her yourself,Got it?

IRyS: Yes Kiara,I understand but I can pls get you get Bae and The kid in our bedroom??

Kiara: Alright, Since you're tired

IRyS: You BETTER be careful with her

IRyS than glared at Kiara giving her a warning

Kiara: Yeah yeah, Have Faith in me

IRyS handed Bae to Kiara,As Kiara carried the girl up to the bed room bringing the child with her As IRyS flopped on to the couch

Calli: You alright?

IRyS: yeah I think so

Calli: Do you want me to get you some water and talk about it??

IRyS: Yes pls

Calli: Alright,Just wait there I'll be back in a minute or longer since no one washed the damn plates

As Calli got up and Walked towards the kitchen,IRyS could hear the water running

IRyS 💭: "Why do I feel like a. . . Burden? I've done nothing to help around here AND I JUST TOOK IN A CHILD AS IF I KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT BABYSITTING AND I DON'T EVEN HAVE A JOB. Who am I kidding? I've done absolutely nothing to help anyone. Why am I even here. . . Bae doesn't deserve someone like me. . ."

The more IRyS thought about it,As she began to cry silently

IRyS 💭: "I don't feel like I was supposed to be here. Was I even supposed to be here?? I don't know anyone. . . Even though I say I'm better than bae knowing she is right about me. . . "

Kiara: Alright IRyS it's time to get yo-

As Kiara ascended from the stairs,She could see her friend lost in her thoughts and crying

Kiara went up to the girl and she sat on the couch,Started rubbing her back

Kiara: Oh IRyS. . .

Calli: yo, IRyS I'm back with the water

Calli could clearly see the girl in pain as she walked towards them and put the water on the coffee table

Calli: Come on, Let's talk about it

IRyS turned around facing calli and Sat up as she tries to wipe her tears away

IRyS: I know this a random timing but. . . Am I a burden to you guys?

As silent filled in the room

IRyS: I feel like I don't help around. . . I don't work hard like everyone else

Calli: Hey it's alright, You just need to find a job or something you're interested in

Kiara: Yeah! There's times where things gets hard and everything feels out of place but you need to Stand you're ground

Calli: yeah and you can always talk to us when things gets hard. You'll never will be a burden to us IRyS,no matter

Hearing this made IRyS feel better And Kiara and Calli are right,Things get hard anytime & anywhere

As IRyS wiped away the last bits of tears in her eyes, She gave the couple a soft smile letting them know she is feeling better

IRyS: You know. . . You two would make great parents! Maybe you two should have a kid one day

Kiara: Right?? I already told her but she wouldn't listen

Calli: SHUT. I think it's time for you to go to bed young missy

IRyS: Alright alright

IRyS got up and headed up stairs before she left their view

IRyS: Don't make too much noise you love birds ~

As IRyS left while Calli's Face was bright as a red traffic light

Kiara: We won't!

Calli: SHUT UP.

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