A bit of an explanation of what/who exactly my character is in this story

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Name:shiro maiko

Golden weapon:boomerang X2(hehe, my Aussie is showing)(the image below but gold)

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Golden weapon:boomerang X2(hehe, my Aussie is showing)(the image below but gold)

Golden weapon:boomerang X2(hehe, my Aussie is showing)(the image below but gold)

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Species:human(?)(there are theories that he isn't even supposed to exist)

Voice claim: he sounds like the collector from the owl house

Height:4'8(short boi)

Ninja gi colour:dioxaxine(this)

Ninja gi colour:dioxaxine(this)

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Likes:chaos, pain in others(except friends), random memes from nowhere, having technology, writing fanfiction in his head

Dislikes:being forced to follow an opinion, having to choose a side, having to do stuff right after waking up, people not leaving him alone

Side(good or bad):he is pretty neutral, sometimes helping garmadon with something and other times helping the other ninja, and then there are the times he just nopes right out of there

Past life:his "parents"(more like kidnappers since they forced him into their care), mistreated him horribly when there weren't other people around, this caused him to lose all of the remaining childhood innocence left in him, he became rather shy and reclusive, his horrible adoptive parents were only caught when wu managed to get you to tell him everything about what they did(shiro was around 13 at the time), when the orphanage found out shiro had large amounts of concentrated chaos inside his body, and capability for spinjitzu, wu took shiro into his full care, and that is the end of shiro's past life

Current life:he lives in the monastery and when he isn't training,  messing around, or fighting something, he helps around a bit and even does some cooking(cole loves shiro's curry sausages), as the ninja of chaos, ninjago is a bit skeptical about shiro really being one of the hero's, since shiro has been known to not exactly do what you want when you ask him to do something

Abilities:he can fly, cause small rifts for teleportation, he can make the area around someone confusing as hell, can distort regular objects to the point they are unrecognisable, sense or see things that will happen soon or in a few years and cause things from other universes to pop into their world for a few seconds

Personality:chaotic, sadistic, optimistic, pessimistic, easy to anger, feral animal with rabies energy, can be weird and then creep you out
Fun facts: a lot of people mistake him for the youngest in the group, and when he goes into a bar and the bartender comes up to him he just yells "YES IM 20 WHAT ARE YOU  GOING TO DO ABOUT IT?", he accidentally distorted a poor dudes bridge to his house beyond comprehension once, he opened a rift once to the dark island so they can try to figure out garmadons next plan and he flipping forgot about it for two weeks until garm found it and used it to invade ninjago

Alright so I'm a leave it there, see ya

(Ninjago +ninja!me/shiro) the chaos ninjaWhere stories live. Discover now