Prolouge(how shiro met wu)

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Shiro'S POV
He has been running for a few miles now, but he needed to make sure his "parents" wouldn't easily find him
he needed to find someone who would help him, he could barely focus on much, all he could hear was his frantic breathing and pounding heartbeat and quick footsteps
and all he could see was a frantic haze of panic and confusion, until he ran into someone
his headache got a lot worse and he just curled up into a ball on the ground, "am i going to die tonight? I really don't wanna die, I just want to have a normal life"
Wu's POV
"I wonder if there is anything else I need before I head back", then he felt someone run into him, and a few seconds later, he heard muffled sobbing
he noticed who ran into him, "a child? Why is there a child out here at night", he thought for a moment
" it's ok, I won't hurt you"
"Y-you won't?" The child said, his pale face was bruised and wet with tears, his expression was a mix of fear and confusion, and his green-ish blue eyes were red from crying
"Why would i hurt a child for no reason?" He was worried about who had raised this poor kid, why would they treat him in such a way that he is afraid of adults hurting him for simply running into them?
"Ummm, I-I'm shiro, shiro maiko" the child, now known as shiro, introduced himself
"Sensei wu" he introduced himself to shiro, after all it was only fair

Yeah after that they just go to the hospital to make sure shiro is ok, he isn't, they find out his caretakers, arrest them, then a while later the orphanage detects the chaos in shiro after he refuses to stay at the orphanage, so wu decided he was going to train shiro as the chaos ninja, and that is it for shiro's past, so far

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2022 ⏰

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