Waking Up

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"It's cold, I feel weak, my body feels light, I feel slightly numb. " As those kinds of thoughts came into my mind, I realized that I am floating in the middle of space.

"I see, so those idiots tried to kill me." Moments ago, we were supposed to be fighting the invaders who came to conquer our world. During the battle, when we were pushed to the corner, I asked my comrades to charge the mana cannon with every drop of mana they can spare. I also told them to warn me once it was charged, and shoot it straight to the enemy's core. After they finished charging it, they fired it straight to where I was without any warning.

Thankfully, I managed to envelope myself with shadow using half of my entire mana, leaving me with barely enough mana to heal some of the wounds I received. Since I'm feeling numb and weak, I decided to sleep again in hope of recharging my mana.

I don't know how much time had already passed. I am up again and currently healing some of my remaining light wounds. I am still drifting in this empty space, trying to locate the closest planet with life and civilization in it. I manage to restore a quarter of my mana during my sleep, currently, I have enough mana to heal most of my light wound and still have a spare enough to keep me drifting in this space for a week. I only have one problem right now, that is, I don't have any food or water with me, my clothes are mostly torn up, and my body is full of wounds too. I manage to stop the bleeding using low level healing but, there's still a chance that my deep wounds would open up again.

I kept drifting to space while thinking of a reason why they did such a thing to me. A few reasons came to mind, first would be jealousy, but why? Next is the performance during battles. I did my best during those times though, I even made sure not to sacrifice or leave any allies behind. Well there's still some but I'm mostly sure that I did well and found no reason for those things to be the reason.

While thinking of stupid reasons that causes betrayal, a world came into my radar, it was still light-years away from my location though. I checked the world and it seems to have living creatures in it. There is also a civilization there, although, it doesn't seem to be an advanced one.

"Well, it is still a world and I'm really hungry right now. Nothing could go wrong if I traveled to this world, right?" I asked myself then hyperdrives my way there.

A few minutes later, I was already outside that world's atmosphere. I prepared to dive into the world. I enveloped myself with mana to prevent myself from receiving the burning sensation when falling from the outer space down the planet's surface. After doing the preparations, I dove straight to the world. As expected, the mana shell did its job properly, I didn't get burned or anything.

I landed on a farm, almost falling over. I looked around and noticed a girl looking at my way. I waved to the girl and the girl waved back. The girl then approached me.

"S*=[€°™¢°%π✓;#+?#" said the girl.

"Wait.... Uh, Yume!" I called.

A human-like creature appeared besides me. It was a little girl the size of an arm. Her appearance is a petite girl in her teens. She wears a plain white one-piece dress. She opened up her eyes and yawned.

"Good morning, creator. What can I do?" Yume is an entity I made using my mana. I made her so I can have someone manage my skills and abilities and stop me when I rampaged. She was with me during the battle, but I almost ran out of mana from erecting an attributed barrier, she temporarily vanished.

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