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Pedro knew something was wrong when Tony merely nodded at him upon his arrival. Kat was mesmerized, to say the least. "Who's that?" she'd gasped- her eyes following the way Tony swayed as he walked behind the guard who led him and Carlito to Marco, his hawk eyes scanning the crowd at the party and his charm filling the room.

Pedro smiled fakely at his girl, "He's an old friend.." The memories of Tony coaching him anytime he felt he couldn't shoot a hoop replayed in his mind- drowning out the sound of Kat humming response as his eyes followed the hall where Tony disappeared; the one which led to his father's office.

Sighing, Pedro reminded himself that it wasn't his business. He chose to not be apart of that life and he wouldn't start now because Tony was here. Tony always had a knack for making things seem cooler and easier than they really were. 

"Let's go dance.." he suggested to Kat, who's eyes lit up- ever the eager girl to show off her body. "Don't have to ask me twice!" she giggled, letting him sweep her off.

Liza and Tony reemerged from where they were hiding, Tony clutching her as close to him as possible. Many whispers and stares swept over the crowd- Liza Soberano was involved with a Miami Don, it would be the talk of the year; especially amongst these people who assumed themselves to be superior.

"Ignore them.." she whispered to Tony, noting the way his eyes and hold hardened. Gently, she turned his face down to hers.. "Do you want to leave?" she whispered. Knowing he was at unease made her unhappy. She couldn't wait to find out what had happened in the short amount of time they were apart for the day to cause him to behave so.

"Yeah." Tony grunted. He knew if he left alone, he would be burying his nose in coke to numb his mind and heart. Eyes filled with worry, Liza nodded in agreement as she looked around for Pedro once more to say goodbye; but to no surprise he'd disappeared with Kat- probably to his old room.

Sighing, Liza didn't even want to face her father at the moment. So she grabbed Tony's hand and followed Carlito to the doors of this dreaded mansion- always ready to escape her father's claws.

The car ride home was tense.

Tony was in no mood to talk, and Liza was scared to even look at him. Carlito tried to ease her with small talk of his girlfriend in Miami- but one look from Tony made him sew his lips shut.

On the way to Tony's penthouse, Liza decided to call Pedro- who wasn't surprised that she left. Apparently, Marco was in a foul mood as well, and it was no secret to everyone at the party. "He's been back for a day and already you're running off.." Pedro had teased, struggling to hide the bitterness in his tone. Although the party wasn't his idea, it still saddened him that Liza wasn't there to suffer with him. She'd ran off with Tony the first chance she got, but Pedro realized he couldn't blame her. He did the same, after all.

"I know.." Liza chuckled forcibly, glancing to Tony- his lips curled in distaste. "I'll make it up to you." she promised, bidding him goodbye for disconnecting their call.

"Are you going to tell me what's got you so riled up?" Liza sighed, trying to coax Tony out of his trance. Fiddling with her hair nervously, she set her eyes on him..well aware that his anger was swelling into rage- something that he never had a good hold on. It would lead him to do something reckless- and he didn't want Liza to pay the price for it. But, she was involved. The moment he saw her again in that hospital, she was dragged into his world- whether he liked it or not.

"Your father tried to sell you off. Wanted to give me his failing company.." He grunted out- ripping off the bandaid. Liza sighed, unphased. "It's not the first time.." she revealed, pressing her fingers to her temple in an attempt to calm the incoming headache. Tony's head snapped to her- eyes ablaze like never before.. "Wha' the fuck you just say?"

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