𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝖓𝖊𝖜 𝖆𝖓𝖉𝖗𝖔𝖎𝖉

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While gently massaging the nape of your neck while leaning on the wall, you were anxiously waiting for your patient.

Identical to me but belonging to a different model.

The perfect, short explanation that 53 offered you only created even more questions that you were too afraid to ask.

Different model huh?

The day you showed your project to Elijah Kamski for this new prototype was still present inside your head.

Although you didn't particularly enjoy his presence, you remembered how thankful you were to him for the congratulations he offered you for your ideas.

It was thanks to him that you managed to reach such a high position inside your job in which you ended up founding two persons you can proudly call your best friends.

As more deviant cases started to rise, Cyberlife must have started to prepare a plan B in case the one you proposed would fail.

The last day you spent inside Cyberlife's structure before changing sides you did hear some words shared by the guards about this new substitute.

Gray, blue and white were the only colors present inside this room. Gray for the various tools laying next to the operating table; blue for the good amount of bags containing thirium and supplies boxes with inside various biocomponents (if your assumption that Cyberlife created this new model using your ideas that brought Connor to life is right, then you were sure that most of these biocomponents were compatibles); white for the lights inside the room.

These lights were too bright for your current state. A relentless migraine hit your mind hard as you strove to remember every procedure to apply to repair an android.

Was this android really in desperate need of your help? It's already been half an hour and you haven't received any news from Connor yet.

Was there an inconvenience? Attacks by a new group of humans? Roads blocked due to the war? New orders sent by Mar—

The door slammed open and your train of thoughts was interrupted by this new jumpscare you received.

The silhouette of Connor-53 in the doorway was the first thing your eyes witnessed. Fear crept again around your heart and the worst thing was that you couldn't even hide it with the neutral face you currently had.

Your eyes widened slightly as you saw your computer supported by his bare arms. Only then did you really look up to take a look at his face.

Previously he looked like a lion, roaring, menacingly displaying his fangs and ready to tear apart anyone who dared to disobey him...

...but now he looked like a recently born guilty kitten who made a mistake and intends to get forgiveness.

Without saying a word, he moved forward, speeding up to your desk with multi-colored cables from the computer dragged across the floor.

Within seconds he set the computer on your previously empty desk and plugged in all the various cables one after the other.

Your flickering eyes couldn't help but take a quick glance over his back while he was working.

Signing in satisfaction, he got up from the floor, put his hands in his pockets and leaned against your desk.

"Better analyze what state it will be in than work blindly" with a wave of his head he pointed to the computer behind him before staring at the floor again.

You hummed softly at his statement, nodding your head before crossing your arms across your chest and looking down at the ground.

An awkward silence fell between you two. As time went by, the more uncomfortable you felt. To make matters worse was the fact that you could feel his eyes on you - dark eyes analyzing everything about you.

"𝖄𝖔𝖚 𝖋𝖎𝖓𝖆𝖑𝖑𝖞 𝖜𝖔𝖐𝖊 𝖚𝖕"Where stories live. Discover now