Part 6

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All right, let's see what you've got.

Michelle (Talking Head):
I'm really excited to perform the dance
just to show the whole team what we've got.

Emily (Talking Head):
Michelle's trying to overthrow me as dance captain and, honestly,
good luck to her, because it's not happening.

Emily (Talking Head):
Honestly, Michelle choreographing this new routine behind my back
isn't as hurtful as everyone else joining in.
I mean, people I've grown up with are in there, my sister's in there.

James (Talking Head):
When we're doing the dance, I can see right through Emily, and I know she's killing herself inside.

Stephanie  (Talking Head):
Seeing Michelle's dance, I mean, there's nothing great about it.
It can't compare to Emily's.

Eldon (Talking Head):
Honestly, I think the dance is amazing
and I really think it has a chance of beating Emily.

West (Talking Head):
Everybody's killing the moves.
We're killing the dance, you know? We're kicking butt.

Daniel (Talking Head):
Kate looks impressed, Chris looks impressed, Emily does not,
which is a good sign.

Nicely done, dancers.

Emily (Talking Head):
Watching them there, just all smiling
and doing the best they can
to take everything I've ever worked for away from me?
That's hard.
That's really hard.

Good job.
Great job, guys! Yeah, really good job, guys, really good.

Michelle (Talking Head):
I'm not really sure at this point who's going to win dance captain.
I know that Emily's been working really hard, but so have I,
and she's earned her spot as dance captain, but so have I.

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