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OK, dancers, that was great.

Thank you.

Amazing work, guys. Amazing work.

So, who do you want to be your dance captain?

Choose wisely.

Stephanie (Talking Head):
I vote for Emily because she's my best friend and no matter what happens, wrong or right,
I will always stand by her because that's just the friend that I am.

That's one for Emily.

James, West and Chloe vote Michelle

Chloe (Talking Head):
I thought for the longest time that I wanted to be part of the E-Girls,
and now that I know what it's all about
I'm ready for something better and I think Michelle could be an amazing dance captain.

And three for Michelle.

Tiffany (Talking Head and line):
I'm feeling a little caught in the middle.
On one hand, there's Michelle, who has this awesome routine, and there's Emily, who has only one vote. I could see Emily's reign's coming to an end. So...I want to protect myself.

Are you serious?

Riley votes Michelle

Emily (Talking Head):
I'm in shock. I mean, that's my sister.
Does she honestly hate me that much?
Does everyone hate me that much?

All right, Eldon.
You have the last vote, buddy.

Eldon (Talking Head):
Michelle's already won.
I mean, she has majority,
but I still have a choice to make and it's...
It's tearing me up inside.

Eldon, you have to vote.

Eldon (Talking Head):
Emily has hurt me one too many times
and somehow I have to put her behind me.

Eldon surprisingly voted Michelle

James (Talking Head):
When Eldon votes for Michelle, honestly, I'm so proud of him. It's like he just grew up.
It's like Eldon just grew up right there.

It's OK, girl.

Emily (Talking Head):
I feel lost.
Like, I...
Like, I could have done something more to prevent this.
Like, I could have been better, tried harder,
done things differently, I guess.

Emily, I hope that you can now be a team player
and I won't hear any complaints out of you.

Let's go.

Emily and Stephanie leave

Riley (Talking Head):
I didn't think it was going to be this hard.
You know, seeing it all happen is a lot harder
than just planning it behind the scenes.
But I know it has to be done.

it looks like we've got a new dance captain.

And a new regional routine.


Thank you.
I'm so, so happy.

Daniel (Talking Head):
We're going to win regionals. Michelle's the best choice.
She's the better dance captain. She listens to everybody.

West (Talking Head):
You know, it's not about you, it's about the team.

James (Line and Talking Head):
It's great but also it's bittersweet,
because I don't get to enjoy it.
I'm getting pulled from the studio.

Chloe (Talking Head):
I'm so excited and the future of the Next Step Studio looks really bright.

Get some rest.

Take care.

Michelle (Talking Head):
I'm so stoked.
I mean, I'm the new dance captain!
I'm so proud. And, regionals, here we come!

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