Chapter 7

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Aizen Pov

I'm so stupid How can This happen, I never leasing to her she always tell me the true she is always doing something but she always says the true to me ,she never hide something from me ...

Hinamori: "Aizen sama, are you alright"

Aizen: "Yes please leave me alone."

Hinamori: "A-aizen"

Aizen: "Hinamori please"

Hinamori: "Okay, sorry aizen sama"

Voices in Aizen's head

Kanashi: "If you do something to my sister I will never forget you Aizen"

Hikari: "Aizen I will always love you for ever"

Ulqiorra: "Hikari garbage"

Grimmjow:"Just tell her how you feel Aizen "

Gin:"we'll she is you're sister best friend "

Kaname: "Those girls are always in trouble"

End of voice's

Aizen:"I'm sorry Hikari, I'm so so sorry maybe I could go and buy her a present by the way her birthday is in too days"


Aizen: "What do you want "

Arecna:"We'll you know Hikari birthday is coming "

Aizen:"Yeah what's wrong with that"

Arecna:"Let's make her a birthday party"

Aizen:"Yeah let's do something for her "

Arecna:"We'll go too go to the store to bye Hikari a present "

Aizen: "Wait do you now something in particular that she wants"

Arecna:"Well she saw this penguin neckless and every time she see it she haves a smile on her face"

Aizen: "Maybe I'll get her that penguin neckless"

Arecna: "Really"

Aizen: "We'll is her birthday present so I'm gonna go buy it"

Arecna:"Awesome "

Hikari POV

OMG my birthday in too days yay, maybe I'll go visit kanashi For my birthday yeah then I'll come. Back soon ...

Grimmjow: "Huh, Hikari is making laugah where is she going"

Hikari: "I'm ready to meet him"

Grimmjow: "To meet who"

Hikari: "Yay can't wait"*Left her room and left a letter on top of her bed*

Grimmjow:" Let's see what it what says"


Guys I'm leaving to meet a special person in my life, I'll be back before my birthday, don't panic or be scared I'll be back.. L.o.v.e.y.o.u.g.u.y.s.

Hikari takanashi..

I'll be back : P

Grimmjow:"who could that special person is"

Gin:"What's the matter Grimmjow "

Grimmjow: "Nothing"

Gin:"I now you're laying "

Grimmjow: "No I'm not"

Gin:"And what are you doing in Hikari's room"

Aizen's worse nightmareWhere stories live. Discover now