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I walked in the room looking around. I figured Cam would be sleep by now. The sound of the shower caught my attention. Maybe she has just gotten in?

I knocked on the door, but there was no answer. I knocked on the door again, but there was no answer. I started banging on the door calling her name. No answer.

I twisted the knob, finding it was unlocked and I walked in to find Camary on the floor.

She had blood shot red eyes, she was crying, and she shivered like a scared puppy. I scanned her slightly red bruised up body. My eyes stopped at the red stain that puddled on the floor.


I felt a lump grow in my throat. Who would do this to a person. I grabbed her body and rocked her. Fransica came in and screamed. "Call the police!" I protested. I saw Cam's eyes slowly darkening.

"Stay with me Cam." I whispered, warm liquid staining my face. I felt someone grab my shoulders,"Come on Jayce they need to get her."

I stood hesitantly and whipped my face as they lifted her on the stretcher...


I sat in the chair beside Thomaria's bed. She has been resting all day and, I have been with her all day. I rubbed her manicured hands, that were balled up in a fist. Her long hair rested up in a bun and her eyes were closed shut. "Gosh, I love you." I whispered kissing her hand. I felt her hand flex, but her body stayed still. The doctor walked in wearing a doctors coat and holding a clip board.

"We checked her vital sound and the baby was getting cluttered with that the unhealthy food she was consuming. We flushed her, but she needs to consume many liquids to keep her stable." I nodded and released her hands. I stood and he continued, " She is healthy and so is the baby, but we have to keep her full of medication and liquid." I nodded and walked to the door. "If anyone comes don't let them in, I'm going to get some food." He nodded.

I headed out and I walked to the nearest fast food restaurants. After collecting my food I walked back to the hospital.

I walked in the room and Boca, Thomaria's mom was standing there.

"I told that-" Breathe. "Ah, Boca hello." I said faking my tone. Her eyes pierced into mine. "Hello...Devin." She forced.

I cleared my throat and located my chair. I went to sit, with her eyes following my every move. There is much tension when it comes to me and Boca. She was nothing compared to her daughter, but I tell you one thing they have alike was that stubborn streak.

She was stuck up and a huge horn totter.

"How has she been doing?" I nodded "Pretty good." I spook. She sighed and rubbed her daughters hair. "Um...thanks for watching her and making sure she if fine; even though she is coming back with me." I shot my head in her direction.

"You can't take her from me. I won't let you do it. I believe she would rather love to have and raise her child with it's father."

She stopped all movement.

"Baby? Who is having a..." Her eyes turned red and her hands balled into fist as she let out a tear. She slowly moved her fist up and down.

"You -.", she spat. "How could you do this to her, rather me." She whimpered. I smiled. "I did it to slow her down. I'm in love with your daughter. Weather you believe me or not. I could not watch her destroy herself, just to satisfy...you." Her fist clenched and un-clenched.

"Okay, but the moment you slip up it's your --."

I nodded and started eating. I looked at Thomaria. She was smiling slightly. I believe that beautiful angel can hear. I kissed her hand that I grabbed in mine.

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