Sweeney Todd (Part 34)

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Describing the prettiest cannibal to ever exist, Sweeney Todd.

His eyes are dark and mysterious. If you look into them not only do you see a reflection of yourself, but also Sweeney's deep dark past. You can see the same horrors he saw long ago and what he saw in prison. You can see and feel his pain.

Around his mysterious eyes you can see his extremely pale skin. Not as pale as a vampire's skin, but pale enough to scare the life out of anyone who'd never met him before. It's a grey tone with a hint of shadowy darkness around his eyes and cheeks. Speaking of his cheeks, his cheek bones were to die for. Men and women wished they had even half of Sweeney's jaw line and cheek bones because damn they looked good. He also had side burns that went down the sides of his face where his beard would go if he had one. They were definitely an odd style choice, but he played it off well.

His nose was very straight. You'd have imagined he'd have gotten into fights while in prison, but clearly not because his nose was perfectly straight and smooth, not a scar was on it.

His hair really was something else though. Sweeney Todd's hair was curly, like really curly. He liked to wear his hair back so he didn't get anything in his eyes.  The parts leading from the top were straight bits of hair, but as his hair got longer it grew curls that spiralled on the ends. The spirals stayed pushed to the back of his head and although it looked long it stayed above shoulder length. On the right hand side of his head he had a small patch of white hair that, like the rest of the hair, spiralled to the back of his head.. The little white part seemed to have a mind of it's own and didn't like to stay as tidy and flat as the darker hair. His hair was very similar to Cruella de Vil's hair (very skunk like).

As for his clothes, he stuck to a very smart look. He wore black suit trousers that had thin white lines that were vertical from top to bottom that fit him perfectly. His shoes were black boots with no heel. On the top he liked to wear a white shirt with a waisted coat and a blazer on top. He dressed like a goth, but also like a funeral director. He would also wear a scarf around his neck which looked quite untidy, but worked well with his aesthetic. Sweeney was a poor man so that was probably why he lacked an impressive wardrobe.

His teeth were kind of...mouldy looking, but then again, nobody's teeth are perfect and Mr Todd's teeth were no exception. His teeth weren't the only thing that turned girls off from him though, his accent didn't help much either. Yeah, I know what you're probably thinking;   'But he is from London, he has a hot London boy accent, right?'    Well, no he doesn't. He speaks like a man who never went to school or at least never had left this part of London before. I, myself have met others with accents like his, but none of them have been quite as... murderous as him so maybe it's an accent that could only come from a murder? Perhaps.

The only other thing to tell is that his wife was made homeless after he went to prison and his daughter was kidnapped and now he is trapped with a lady named Ms Lovett who loves him, but he can't stand her.

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