LA Trains: Alternate Ver. (IVE Liz x Reader)

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"I'm stuck in this moment"

"Darling~! Hurry up! We're gonna miss the sunset because of you!"

I still remember how you looked that day. You were wearing a white summer dress with floral prints all over, it looked great on you and it complimented your blonde hair very well. Our date that day was for our second anniversary, the only difference from our first was your group just had a comeback.

"'Cause it shines beautiful"

"Finally, you got here! Come on, help me set up the blanket so we can start eating."

The way your hair flowed with the wind coupled with the bright smile you wore, how could one person be so beautiful? How did you end up with me? I didn't question it any further, I already considered myself lucky that I could call you mine.

"So do these street lights"

"The street lamps are turning on! The sun's about to set, oppa! Hurry up and finish your food so we can enjoy it!"

I'm pretty sure I said that I could enjoy it even while eating before you hit me on the arm, knowing how much you love the sunset so the temptation to tease you arose. The street lamps' white lights cut through the scene that was gradually growing orange.

"And so do you"

"You know, oppa. I don't think i've thanked you enough, this whole 'dating an idol' thing must be so stressful for you. Sometimes, I wish i'd never debuted so that I could spend all my time with you."

Tears stained that pretty face of yours, honestly surprising me on how stunning you still look even while crying. I wiped those tears away though, you'll always look better when you're happy and smiling. Good thing that perfect goddamned smile you have appeared after I wiped your tears away, amazing me more on how someone could look so beautiful even after crying.

"Wish we could stay here"

"But I know that you would rather have me live out my dream than sacrificing it for you, that's why i'm content with us having times like this. Watching the sunset after having a picnic. While it may not be the most glamorous thing ever, As seldom as it is, I know you enjoy it as much as I do because we're here together. Right, darling?"

I remember giving you a peck on the lips after your little speech, I also remember the sound of your little giggle when I pulled away. Dating you was a hard time but it was worth it because of little moments like these, just you and me spending time in the park.

"Without so much as blinking"

"Y/N! The sun's setting, look! It's so pretty! I gotta take a picture!"

It was pretty, though, I'm pretty sure I was looking at you. Cheesy, I know, but I couldn't help it. You were frantically looking for your cellphone to take a selfie and show your 'Dives' how beautiful the sunset was. I was probably the luckiest Dive in that moment because I got to see, no, scratch that, I got to be with Kim Jiwon.

"Keep you in my eyeline"

"It looks so nice, doesn't it darling? I swear I could keep staring at it if it was possible but, alas, it isn't. This sunset feels more special though, maybe it's because the person who's been my sun and the light of my light for the past 2 years is here?"

Oh God, that goofy look plastered on your face never failed to give me butterflies. I was definitely blushing after that, knowing me. I love you so much, Kim Jiwon and I'm pretty sure you knew that.

"Chronos must die"

"Awww, it's night time already?! But it was so quick! I don't wanna end our day yet! Naoi Y/N and Kim Jiwon's anniversary can't be done yet! Why is time so quick?!"

Whiny Kim Jiwon was, and still is, the death of me. Sometimes I think that if you tried hard enough you could kill me with your aegyo. Moving on from that thought, I believed it was too quick too. I was wishing for time to stop at that moment so we could cherish being with each other more but, knowing your manager, they would definitely be here soon; ending our day of celebration. And, as if the universe was listening to me, your manager came; telling you to say your goodbyes to me. The sadness in your eyes was evident but you had to follow orders, you pulled me in and gave me a quick but passionate kiss before telling me that you would make time for another date. And with that, the both of you left; ending our second anniversary celebrations.

I would do everything for a chance for time to stop at that moment.

After that day, we only lasted 6 more months before you called me up one day and told me to meet at that very same spot where we had our second anniversary date. It was there you told me that the feelings you had for me had faded. I was bamboozled, hurt, confused and so much more at the sudden shock you dropped upon me. You told me that your feelings faded because we barely had any time for each other, with your group getting more and more busy and me getting ready for college. Was it my fault for thinking that we could've survived even with minimal physical contact with each other? Maybe it was and our break up was all my fault. I broke down crying after what you said because the thought of us breaking up never even crossed my mind, yet, here we are. You gave me a hug while muttering a small sorry before standing up and walking away, I assume back to your dorm; leaving me here, alone. It couldn't get any worse than this.

Or, at least, I thought it couldn't.

A year later, I received a letter addressed from you. I didn't know what to expect but I was excited, maybe you wanted to get back together? Maybe you wanted to at least make amends and be friends again? Either would've been good. I received that letter before I left my family's house to move into a dorm I rented near my college. Maybe you heard about it and decided to send it before I left? How näive I was and how cruel you are.

Sending me an invitation to your wedding just a year after we broke up, are you heartless? Did you want to see me suffer? What did I do to deserve this, Kim Jiwon?! And it broke me even more to see who you were getting married to...

You were marrying my fucking sister.

A/N: Nice fluff, right? This isn't the 'canon ending' but I chose to publish this because I wrote this on a whim while in the car lol. (I'll publish the other ending if this chapter gets 3 votes).

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed! 'Til next update, see you at the bottom of The Bin™

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