Chapter 1

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Withering again. Of course it was, it had been for decades. Four let out a soft sigh as he stared in the mirror and grimaced as more vines started to grow on his torso.

He needed to-

Before that thought could be finished he heard his long time best friend X call out for him as the number quickly snapped his fingers as his magic made the rose and vines invisible and he went off to go find his co-host.

It wasn't the best time to be trapped in his own thoughts anyway


As soon as the intro finished, Four went onto instruct his contestants, all the while a knot growing in his stomach as he recalled the fact that 40 of his contestants left him for that vile number two. No matter, that was only 3 episodes ago didn't matter to him. didn't

As he watched his contestants fumble around he glanced over to his side to look at X, just glad to have the variable by his side again as heat rushed to his face and he smiled softly before the other looked back and he glanced away clearing his throat

His heart beating just a bit faster

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2022 ⏰

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