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You admired the many piercings that Arny wore as he scrolled on TikTok at his desk, laughing lightly a few times as he examined the videos that were on his for you page. He glanced over to you, noticing that you had been laying on his bed and staring at him for some time now. "Hey," he said, not putting his phone down. "Something wrong?" You shook your head. "I'm just observing." Your parents had been asking about your partner, and they really wanted to meet him. You knew they wouldn't approve of him due to his appearance and his career choice. Based off of his interests, they would tell you, "Y/N, that's not a real man. You need someone that can protect you. Not someone who sits around and watches anime all day."

You weren't worried that you wouldn't be able to stand up for Arny, you were worried that you'd ruin your relationship with your parents. You know what Arny's relationship with his parents are like and you really didn't want to have that kind with yours. It scared you and really took a toll on your mental health to just hear about the stories, yet you were so intrigued, and you had gotten Arny to get over his pride to tell you the stories so he could get a little bit of weight off of his shoulders. Not many people could do that, and lately, he's been happier knowing he has someone to vent to. It wasn't a one-way thing, either. You knew that you could vent to him, as well. And you did many times. You both were the perfect match for each other.

"Love?" Arny asked after a long pause of you not saying anything. "Sorry, yes, babe?" You asked, finally looking him in the eyes after spacing out for some time. "What time was I going to meet your parents?" You looked at the time on the home screen of your phone. "3:00. We might want to get ready now, it's getting closer to that time." "Alright." He said and walked over to his closet. "But dress casually and comfortably, I want my parents to see the real you." He slightly frowned. "I'll have to cover up my tattoos and take out my piercings, though." He spoke. "No, you won't, why would you?" You asked, thinking he might've had the same concerns as you.

He blushed a bit. "I haven't had much luck with parents' approval in the past. When I was talking to girls a few years back, trying to find my soulmate, a lot of their parents didn't like me with all of the ink on my skin and the holes in my face. They all said I was "full of sin" or I was "the devil's son," and usually the girls chose their parents' opinions over me. It's their choice, though. Whatever makes them comfortable, I'm not going to be mad over it."

"Then why are you concerned if my parents don't like you?" you asked. "I'm not scared of your parents' approval, love." He spoke. You cocked your head in confusion, but he shrugged it off. "I'll meet you downstairs in 15 minutes." He quickly kissed your head and walked back over to the closet." "Okay..." You said, heading for the door to his room. "But, please, dress casually. I want you to be comfortable in your own skin when meeting the people who raised me." Before you could get his response, you walk downstairs to your own room, picking out a casual outfit. You decided on some skinny jeans and a plain gray hoodie. You wanted to wear one of your anime hoodies, but you didn't because you knew it would have your parents asking a million questions. You slipped on your shoes, grabbed your keys, and headed downstairs.

"Ready, babe?" You asked, glancing over to see Arny dressed in some black cargo pants with a plain black T-shirt and some black boots. He didn't take his piercings out and his tattoos weren't covered. You were pleased. "Are you sure I can go like this?" He responded. "Yes, babe." You said, walking up to him and putting your arms around his neck, causing him to grab you and pull you closer. "I want you to. I want them to see the real you, the boy I fell in love with." He smiled down at you and kissed you, making you stand on your tip-toes due to the height difference. You broke the kiss and headed for the door. He followed behind you, locking up the apartment. Once it was locked, he grabbed your hand and you both headed for the parking lot.

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