Chapter 5

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Third Person Pov:

So this is where it ends. We protected the humans and this is how we get repayed. We sacrificed our lives for them, we lost team members for them, we risked our lives for them and this is how they repay us, just by exiling us from earth and sending us to empty parts of space. Not on our watch. The Autobot's were driving towards the ship and then transformed out of their vehicle modes for now. "Optimus, SilverTail" Sam said. "What your leaders say is true" Optimus said. "This was all our fault" SilverTail said. "We told them whom to trust, we were so wrong" Optimus said. "That doesn't make it your guys fault, it just makes you humans for a change" Sam said. "Remember this" Optimus said. "You may lose your faith in us" Optimus said. "But never in yourselves" SilverTail finished. Just as Optimus and Silver turned around Sam stopped them. "I need to know how you both are gonna fight back" Sam said. "I know there's a strategy, I know you guys are coming back with reinforcements, something, I know there's a plan." Sam said. "You can tell me, no other human will know" Sam said. SilverTail and Optimus looked towards Sam. "There is no plan" SilverTail said. "If we just do what they want, how are we gonna live with ourselves" Said Sam. "You are our friend Sam, you always will be. But your leaders have spoken" Said SilverTail. "From here the fight will be your own" Said Optimus. "Tell Silver I said goodbye" SilverTail said. Sam nodded. "Don't worry, I will" Sam said. When Optimus and SilverTail passed by Bee he looked at both of asking if he could tell Sam one last goodbye. "Make it short, don't take too long. We're loading up" SilverTail said. As SilverTail was walking along side Optimus she heard Bee saying his last goodbye to Sam. SilverTail felt her ears drop and felt slight tears forming. "You don't have to hold it in SilverTail" Optimus said.  "Sh-Shut up" SilverTail stuttered as she felt the tears run down her face. Optimus then pulled her in a hug and put his servo right on Silver's helm. "I don't wanna leave" Silver said as she cried into the Prime's chest. "It's like you said, earths leaders have spoken" Optimus said. SilverTail sniffed and escaped from the hug. "Yeah then what, we all die due to lack of low energon" SilverTail said as she wiped her tears. "Only Time and fate shall tell" Said Optimus. "Let's just go" SilverTail said as she continued walking. Everyone then transformed into vehicle mode and entered the ship. Once they had entered the ship it then blasted off. Although something unexpected then happened. One of the decepticon's came crashing down towards the ship making the ship explode. Sam saw the ship explode he watched it in shock and sadness. Sam then felt his phone vibrate. He decided to check it and saw that it was a message from Silver. He looked at the message and that's when he had finally fig out that Silver, was SilverTail all along. Sam looked back at the ship that had exploded and felt tears running down his face. His younger sister was dead, and she wasn't coming back. Sam then dropped down to his knees and cried. "NOOOOOOOOOOO!" Sam cried out. Humans now work for the decepticon's. Sam's watch then became a small decepticon and Sam stepped on it crushing it. Sam then decided to ask if the agents could track a phone call. "He's the head of their human Operations and he has Carly hostage" Sam said. Sam was then in a lab. "The call was placed en route, wait I'm hacking into the phones camera now" The man said.  "There that's it, that's it, that's a live stream from the camera" said the man pointing towards the screen. "Okay, it's Chicago cell cites I got it" Said the man. "There I got it, Trump Tower, Chicago Lower Penthouse" He said. "I'm going" Sam said. "Your sure" asked the man. "She's done nothing but try to help me and I can be there in 15 hours" Sam said. "Your not going alone" said a fire fighter. "Still got my, NEST friends out there, I'm gonna round em' up, find your girlfriend, we gonna bring this guy in" Said the fire fighter. "Cause that asshole killed my friends to" he said. Although later on that's when Sentinel put the Pilar's back together and there before humans very eyes, earth being destroyed, bit by bit and piece by piece. But no one could do a single thing about it. Who was gonna save the humans in their darkest hour, the Autobot's? Unfortunately no. If only the Autobot's were here to fight alongside with the humans again. Meanwhile with NightHowl she started feeling her Autobot side kick in, she started feeling slight sympathy for the humans, she also thought about her sister SilverTail who had died back in the ship with the rest of the Autobot's. NightHowl felt her eyes change into a purple color. She was feeling slight sympathy but yet still felt like her decepticon self. NightHowl then started getting flashbacks of all the good and fun times her and her sister had. Without realizing NightHowl felt a slight tear run down her cybertronian face and quickly wiped it away and felt her eyes go back to their original red color. And back with Sam, he was now looking at the so called planet earth getting destroyed. No one could save the humans now. For all everyone knows the next species to go extinct might be humans it's self. Sam and a few soldiers then went back to the ship area. "We came here to find her in the middle of all that" said a soldier. "Hey we really going their Epps" asked another soldier. "I'm not going in there, no one's going in" said the fire fighter. Just then the soldiers started getting shot at but luckily they managed to dodge the blasts. It was a decepticon in its jet form just to see it get shot. The decepticon then tried to escape out of the jet. And right behind Sam and the soldiers were the one's and only. Optimus Prime And SilverTail Prime. "We will kill them all" said Optimus. "Till our last breath, wether it's the last thing we do" SilverTail said as she loaded up her blaster. Then a few Autobot wreckers came in. "Wreckers kill him" Said one of the wreckers. "This is gonna hurt!" Yelled one of the wreckers. "Your leaders will now understand" Optimus said. "Decepticons shall never leave your planet alone" SilverTail said. "And we needed them to believe that we had gone" SilverTail said. "For today, in the name of freedom" Said Optimus. "We take the battle to them" SilverTail said as she then pointed towards Dino and Bee. Bee then transformed and looked towards Sam. "I saw your ship blow up" Sam said. "The ship we would never end the ship, we designed the thing didn't we" Asked Sideswipe. "We were hidden in the first booster Rocket to separate, splashed back down into the Atlantic just like how we planned" Said SilverTail. "We ain't going no where" SilverTail said. "Yeah no one's exiling us" said Wheelie. "The Autobot's are staying right here" Said the other one. "Our only chance is the element of surprise" SilverTail said. "I think I know where to look said Sam. 

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