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"A-Aura Sphere!" the trainer nervously called out as Lucario brpught his palsm together, forming a blue colored sphere in him palms.

"Earthquake!" the brown spiky haired trainer responded instantly. His opponent gasped as he saw how fast the Rhyperior moved on the field. And with one slam of it's food on the field, the entire ground shook, shaking Lucario out of his balance.

"W-What? That f-f-fast?"

"React fast Artie!" the brown-spiky called out, catching his opponent's attention. "Rock Wrecker!"

White watched in awe as the Rhyperior wasted no time, materializing a large boulder in thin air and with a cry, it fired it at the Lucario who had just regained it's balance.

"R-Rico move!" the trainer named Artie shouted in fear but the Lucario was too slow as it was hit by the boulder.

"Grou!" it cried in pain as it was brought onto it's knees.

"Is that all you have to offer?" the trainer raised it's eyebrows.

"Man," Kris said, catching White's attention. "Green isn't holding back,"

"G-Green?" White stammered as Kris nodded.

The long browned hair spoke. "Since when does he ever hold back," she sighed as White turned to her.

"Oh yeah, it's nice to meet you by the way, I'm Blue and this here is Yellow," she referred to the blonde next to her.

White smiled, thinking she was going to get an introduction from Yellow as well but stopped short as she saw her giving White a small smile and nothing more before redirecting her attention to the battle field/

That was then White noticed.

The look on her face. It was sad, as if she was reminiscing about something, her eyes may seemed like she was focusing on the battle, but her wandering emotionless face, it was easy for White to tell that her mind was elsewhere. That was when she realized it.

No wonder she could recognize that look.

It's the same look I had when Black disappeared.

"Look! The battle's just getting better!" Gold shouted, snapping White back to reality.

"A-Amp it Rico! S-Swords D-Dance!"

Rico breathed in exahaustion as it briefly got into a meditative position. Orange coloured swords formed around Rico as it's attack power got a boost. Rico growled as it embittered it's aura wavelength, but it's opponent, the Rhyperior, and the Rhyperior's trainer seem unfazed by this.

"Metal Claw!"

The metal spikes on Rico's paws extended themselves into a claw shaped blade as the Lucario charged forward, baring it's claws. The trainer, Green, didn't say anything.

White watched as sparks flew off as Rico's claws clashed with Rhyperior's body. The ground type didn't even bother dodging or reacting, just standing there and took the attacks head on without flinching, enraging the Lucario further.

"Toss it away," Green stated calmly. With a big swing of it's arms, Lucario was suddenly flung across the field as White gasped. The strength of the Rhyperior was something not to be messed with.

"Finish this Rhyperior, Megahorn,"

Rhyperior let out a massive roar as it's horn glowed green. It lowered it's head and started charging towards the Lucario who was slowly getting up, still feeling the impact of the arm attack it received.

"N-No! Rico! Dodge!"

Rico slowly opened it's eyes, as it finally stood up from the ground, only to be hit by the sharp horn of the Rhyperior right in the chest. The impact was so strong that Rico was sent flying to the wall.

The Dance of Black And White「POKEMON」Where stories live. Discover now