"I know your vegan, but do you want this meat?"

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Miss Kadie looks at the menu in the restaurant she was in. She calls over the waitress, annoyed that there wasn't a single vegan option for her to eat.
"Do you not care about the animals being SLAUGHTERED??? The mother cows being FORCED TO GIVE BIRTH??? The boy baby cows getting their throats SLIT as soon as they leave the womb? I DEMAND that there be a vegan menu at LEAST, or even better yet, make the whole restaurant vegan!" She complains and demands, waving her spiny, bony hands in the air. The poor teenage waitress smiles through the squawking, motioning any waitstaff to help her with her eyes, until finally someone comes to her rescue.
"Hello gorgeous, is everything ok?" a raspy, ancient voice spoke. Miss Kadie's elderly eyes were met with the woman of her dreams. She had a wrinkled and saggy body, a thin and bony mouth, and hair the color of dust. The stunned teacher took a second to shut her gaping jaw and wipe the drool from her chin and tried to speak.
"Uh-uh n-n-no, t-there isn't a v-vegan option, a-and I care ab-about the p-p-p-poor animals." She stuttered, feeling her face burn a bright crimson red.
"Oh I see how it is, if you want, there are some vegan options in the back, if you'd like to come with me..." the gangly old goddess slyly said, leaning closer in to this nervous flustered pterodactyl of a woman. The waitress fled the scene, scared of what she was seeing. The mystery hottie leaned even closer, tilting Miss Kadie's chin upwards. She blushed, but managed to get out a quiet "yes" before getting up to follow her dream woman. She led her to a closet in the back and motioned Miss Kadie to get in, and as soon as she did, she slammed the door and immediately pressed Miss Kadie against the wall and aggressively slammed her lips into hers. Finally when they broke apart, Miss Kadie gasped and asked, "what's your name?", to which the woman replied, "Cheryl, but you can either call me Queen Cheryl or Queen of WAP, because I promise you it's like the Niagara Falls. Now are you sure you want to do this?"
Miss Kadie looked up at Queen Cheryl with submissive eyes full of lust.
"Yes I'm absolutely sure, Queen of WAP."
Cheryl wasted no time ripping their clothes off before twerking her saggy bony bootycheeks on her new lover. The teacher was writhing in pleasure, and after the queen finished she started to passionately kiss Miss Kadie. She trailed kisses all down her body, and Miss Kadie moaned and twisted and turned like a game of twister. Finally Miss Kadie decided she had enough being the submissive one and wanted to become Daddy Kadie, so she flipped Cheryl around and forced her on her hands and knees like the cows and pigs she tries to protect. She humpscared Cheryl, and to her surprise she liked it. The two tossed and turned in the closet, their tongues fighting for domination all over each other's body's.
"I know your vegan, but do you want this meat? It's perfect and wet for you mommy Kadie~" Cheryl smirked, and when Kadie nodded she pushed her down, and that was the only time meat had passed the vegan teachers lips.
The two only stopped when Cheryl's phone buzzed. It was her hot 24 year old nipple pierced husband calling, because a quick run to grab food had turned into a 3 hour fling. She hurriedly put on her right tank top and saggy jeans to conceal her already saggy booty, and with a little peck on the cheek and a wave, Cheryl, the Queen of WAP, was gone. Miss Kadie she's a single tear, and got changed herself, and left the store to go bother some poor McDonalds employees.

Authors note- Omg that was so bad I am so sorry I need therapy from writing that

Queen Cheryl x Vegan Teacher(Smut)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora