|Wanda & Natasha|

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Wanda walked down the hall of rooms at her college, she juggled snacks in one arm and drinks in the other while finally holding her keys between her teeth.

As she reached her door she had adjust a few things and grab the keys out of her mouth. Once a month her best friend Nat came over from across campus for a sleepover.

Yes they did hangout anyway multiple times a week but they were each busy with their own respective majors and mostly had homework at night. (Or it was the weekend in that case they would probably be at a party).

Wanda struggled into her room before dropping everything on her desk and flopping down. She laid there for a second before a knock was at her door and she groaned that it was open.

"Hey, sorry. I just walked up all those stairs carrying stuff and now I'm tired." Natasha laughed and sat down on the bed before laying down on her back next to Wanda.

"So should we put on a movie? And eat those delicious snacks you dragged up here or are we just going to lay in silence?" Nat looked to Wanda who's face was buried in her cover before she glanced up. "I guess I am pretty hungry."

The girls put on a cheesy rom com about Christmas, (even though it was no where close to the holiday.) after they put it on and got settled both realized it was about two women and found the jokes about men very funny.

Toward the end when they were both stuffed and snuggled under the blanket. Wanda paused it as soon as the credits began to roll. They sat in silence a moment without looking at each other.

"Do you ever wonder what it would be like to be with a girl? Like I would never do it or anything but still." Nat looked a Wanda who was staring blankly at the wall. "Yeah I guess it's crossed my mind but doesn't everyone think that?"

"Would you date me if I were a man?" Wanda asked finally looking at Natasha, who now had a pondering look. "I mean I guess, your a great best friend so if you were a man then I'd probably just marry you." Wanda nodded slowly while continuing to stare.

"Would you kiss me?" Natasha nodded slowly, Wanda leaned in slowly and cupped her cheek before giving a look of ask. Nat nodded and meshed their lips together.

They only kissed once before breaking apart. Natasha stared in shock as Wanda slowly opened her eyes, her hand still where it was before. She quickly pulled it away and blushed a crimson red.


"Yeah, woah." 😳

Hey everyone! This is the first chapter of my one shot story's. If you have any suggestions or stories you would like please let me know!!

Scarlett ❤️

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