💌tech genie 💌

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Summary - Lloyd just can't get enough of the techie on his team- finally decides to do something about it ;)

Pairings - Lloyd hansen x reader

Warnings- the man himself - Lloyd is definitely a warning ⚠️😩🥵
Also - smutty smut- female receiving
Shy reader

Warnings- the man himself - Lloyd is definitely a warning ⚠️😩🥵Also - smutty smut- female receiving Shy reader

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Working in Lloyd's team was a fucking rollercoaster. No one ever knew when he would need what - or when he would need Intel so everyone literally worked on their toes . With a sense of alertness
Ready for anything to happen.

"Suzanne i got the info about the deal in Prague. Let him know please?"
You sighed exasperatedly, rolling the bottle of cold water over your forehead.
Sure you were just sitting in front of the computer looking for information and loopholes - but you were bloody good at it . Given you were chosen out of 27 tech lords who were just as good .

Not as good as you that's for sure .
You earned this place and are doing a dang good job .

"Why don't you-"
"You know i CAN'T."
You widened your eyes looking at her as if she were crazy .

Sure . Everyone was scared of Lloyd.
He was good looking. Menacingly good looking. He was ruthless and uncaring - that's what people say and gossip around in the cubicle.

You could call yourself crazy for liking him . Come on now - it's like one of those romance movies - miss goody two shoes techie falls for the bad guy .
Who could say no to -

"Hey cherry."

And there you have it .
Almost falling backwards off the moving chair , you gathered all the air your lungs could take and took a breath . Why on earth did he give you that nickname?
Because you blush like one when he even looks at you.

"Morni- Evening - Uh- sir ."
He tilts his head looking at the adorable woman in front of him .
You looked good . Especially today - that you've worn his favourite colour.

The colour of anger , blood , chaos and rage.
But also - the colour of love , passion ,
Strong will and power.
He knows which category you fell into. That made him want you even more.

"Got the intel on the bastard from Prague huh?"
Lloyd carefully picked up the pen from your desk - examining the red lip smudges on the tip .
Oh , what he would give to be the one to get pressed against your lips.

"Yeah - yes . Forwarded it to Suzanne - she's uh- filing it . "
You were oblivious to a lot of things. Even now when Lloyd had been staring you down non stop as you face planted into your desk to hide your embarassing face.

"My eyes hurt ."
Shit . You shouldn't have said that -
" I didn't mean to complain -"
Scooting forward, he lifts your chin up to look into your eyes .
Like a deer in headlights, you blinked in surprise.

Sunshine~ Lloyd hansen Where stories live. Discover now