I brought love in a box

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When we arrived at Denny's, I got out of the car and walked towards the doors. Brent walked behinde me. Brent was looking through the back of his trunk.
"What are you doing?" He through a pair of shorts at me.
"Here put these on." I slipped them on quickly, and stood there waiting for him to open the door.
"Uh, what are you waiting for?" Brent asked walking my way.
"For you to open the door."
I said sarcastically.
" OH, IM SORRY. One second your highness." He opened the door and bowed. I laughed.
"Your great at opening doors, you know?"
"Yea people say I'm good at opening a lot of things." He said with a smirk.
"Tá lóco." I shot at him.
"I love it when you talk Spanish to me." He said with a smirk
"It's never-ending with you."
I say walking up to the old lady in the frount.
"Hello sugar, for how many."
The lady asked Brent. He bent over the stand and looked at her name tag.
"Hello Nancy, for two doll face." She blushed at his comment. That was Brent Villarreal for you.
"Right this way."
She sat us at a booth in the corner.
"What will you two be having to drink?" She asked.
"I'll have a glass of chocolate milk, and the lady will have a glass of OJ."
"Okay, a glass of chocolate milk and a glass of Orange juice, coming right up."
She walked away.
"What if I wanted chocolate milk." I say stubbornly.
"Do you really wanna have this discussion again."
"I'm SORRY DAD?" I shoot at him.
"Shut up and tell me what you want to eat?" He said while opening the menu.
"Oh so NOW I get to choose."
I say with a little chuckle.
"Whatever..." He said while hiding his face with the menu.
"All righty, we got one OJ, and one chocolate milk." The lady sets down our drinks.
"Are you ready to order?"
Brent looked at me and nodded.
"Yes we'll have two stacks of pancakes, ten on each."
I looked at him with wide eyes
"Coming right up honey bun."
She walked away again.
"So," he said leaning in, and taking a sip of his chocolate milk.
"Who was hottie Mic fee in the towel when I pick you up?"
I blushed a little.
"That was Justin."
"Oooo la la. Does he have a sister?" He said while looking at his fingers.
"I don't know, we met yesterday, at the party."
I shrug my shoulders.
"YESTERDAY?!?!?! I've known you since middle school, and I've been trying to get the cookie from the cookie jar, and you just met this n.igga, and all of a sudden he's the one?" He had the most ridiculous face.
"No Brent, I didn't Give him the cookie."
"Good I thought I was gonna Have to beat a n.iggas a.ss."
He acted all big s.hit, and then smiled.
"All right sugar pie, two pancake stacks just for you. With extra syrup" She winked at him and walked off.
We each took our stacks. I ate like eight pancakes.
"Well be careful with that guy. I here him and Kim have quite a background."
"They do?" I asked concerned. I know I saw the at the party but still I was curious.
"Yup, watch what your pullin'."he said while stuffing his face with pancakes.
"I don't see you pulling and one but little miss widow over there, Nancy." I laughed at my own joke.
"Shut up..." His face became pink. He pushed his plate towards me, and took a big streach.
"That was great, ready to go."
"Yea lets go." He threw a couple of dollars on the table. When he finally paid the ticket, he got in the car.
"Where to Madame?"
"To my house." I answer his question.
"B.itch, can I get a please?"
"Pleeeeeeeeease?" I ask, pushing out my bottom lip.
"I guess..." He said looking away from me.
When we got to my house, he unlocked the door to let me out.
"Alright, I guess this is goodbye."
"I guess." I agree
"Take care sis, and put some ice on that bruise. Love you." He said.
"Alright, love you too."
And with that, he stormed off, roaring his engine, and screeching his tires.
I walked inside, too see Klo.
"Hey.what cha doing here?" She pulled me into a hug automatically. "I've been looking all over for you. You left your freaking car, and keys at that guys house."
"Justin? And it was missing when I woke up. How'd you know I was with him." I asked concerned to how she new
"I may have GPS on your car."
I really didn't care at this point.
"Where were you?"
She asked all protective.
"With Brent." I replied.
"I brought love in a box." I lifted the box in Her face, and she took it from my hands.
"Thanks." She said.
"No prob." I replied.
I went to my room to change into something comfortable.
I took off my jacket, and something slipped out.
It said...

Meet me @ Kool park.
- Love Justin

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2015 ⏰

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