When a Hero Falls

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Disclaimer: I do not own Percy Jackson or Harry Potter. If I did, Percy would be bisexual.

The New York skyline shined brightly against the pitch black sky of night. The dark brooding clouds rolled over the horizon, snuffing out - what was to be - a beautiful sunset. The heavens roared in rage and cried a million tears of agony and sorrow. It was a night to stay in, the perfect excuse to cuddle up to a loved one for warmth and comfort.

But instead, there was one lonely person wandering the equally lonely streets of Manhattan with a bottle of vodka as her only company. She was in her late teens and seemed to have no destination in mind.

She continued to meander through the labyrinth that is the city's streets at a lazy pace until she hit Fifth Avenue. More specifically between West 33rd and 34th Streets. She stared up at the colossal building that seemed to just touch the sky. The steel illuminated by the lightning flashing around it made it glow silver. The Empire State Building, a show of industrial might and host to Olympus, stood before her in all its glory.

Shrugging, she entered. Vodka bottle and all, she walked up to the security guard and asked for the 600th floor. That conversation didn't go over well.


"Um, hello. Can I help you?"

"Yes, yes you can. I want to go to the 600th floor, please."

The guard looked bored and answered with the usual, "there is no 600th floor," speech.

"Oh come on. Not that lame excuse again," she groaned.

He raised an unimpressed eyebrow.

"Just give me the key."


"Not even for some vodka?" The teen asked, waving the bottle in front of him in a tempting manner.

"No. And where did you get vodka from anyway?"

She shrugged. "From the bodega on 4th."

The silence was awkward as the night guard turned back to his magazine. The 18 year old girl leaned back a forth on her feet before she had enough.

"So you won't give me the key."


"Well you just admitted to there being a 600th floor if you won't give be the key."

The guard slammed down his magazine, apparently having enough of her nagging, only to be met by a cheeky grin. Knowing her type of teen, it would only satisfy the girl to kick her out. Instead he picked up his magazine again, ignoring her after responding as calmly as possible.

"No, I'm not giving you a key because there isn't one to the 600th floor. Now, if there is nothing else then I am going to have to ask you to leave."

She pouted and huffed in annoyance before pulling a pen out of her pocket.


The guard looked up at the sound and saw that the girl now had a glowing bronze sword that she held against her shoulder as she leaned against the desk, completely casual.

"I'm so not in the mood for this." She said before taking a swing from the bottle, still completely at ease. "So give me the key and I'll be one my merry way and you on your" She looked around for the words "rather dull one I guess," she finished.

She punctuated the statement by pointing the once dormant sword at him.

He gulped before handing over the key card.

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