...She dreams

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Disclaimer: I do not own Percy Jackson. If I did, Percy would be Bi.
Note: This in second person. Just experimenting so tell me what you think.
- Ω -

Everything's blurry and you know this is a dream. But it doesn't matter because you're in his arms, secure and safe from judgement as you sob pitifully into his chest like the child you truly are. The smell of leather is strangely comforting and you feel free to ramble on your list of grievances. He tells you that he understands, that he knows. You say nothing in reply.

You think, 'He knows nothing.'

- Ω -

The scene's changed and so have you. Your numb. Your father had just ordered you to stay on Olympus.

"It's for you own good." Your father tells you. Oh but you can only think of how cliché that line is.

You're touched that your father cares and equally as hurt that he would imprison you here. A beautiful gilded cage that's still just a cage.

You don't know how to feel so you feel nothing at all.

The god beside you has a hand on the small of your back and it's the only thing that keeps you grounded lest you simply float away. He guides you to your new apartment and is about to leave you at the door when you grab his wrist. He's looking at you but you don't look back, can't stand to look back. So you stand, frozen, staring at the drift wood door, tracing the green and blue swirls till their memorized, and tightening your grip on the god's wrist when you come to a conclusion.

This isn't a door.

It's more than that. It's a portal to a new world, a new life; one that you're not ready to enter, never wanted to enter, and you're terrified by it.

You can't - won't take that first step in.

So he turns the silver nob and does it for you.

- Ω -

You don't forgive him for it. You never really will. But you do love him for it.

He gave you a new life with purpose and meaning to it. You hate him for taking that choice from you and that you're forever indebted to him. But you still love him. You won't stop anytime soon.

- Ω -

The first few months are the hardest. You let your anger and frustration set in and hold it close for protection.

'He took everything I had left!' You think in your rage riddled mind and you throw an expensive looking vase at his head. It misses, smashing against the wall in a million tiny shards.

"You had no right!" You scream at him, "No right at all!"

"I saved your life!" He shouts in defense.

You deny it, demanding that he get out, but the thought stays and you know that he's right.

It still doesn't mean he knows anything.

- Ω -

Weeks pass and you're alone again. The nightmares get worst and start encroaching into the day. The realization sets in slowly but before you know it, your screaming, hoping for something to break the icy silence and for a moment, your own voice is enough. But your voice soon grows hoarse and even the echoes are silenced.

Your alone again.

- Ω -

Your in fetal position in the corner when he finds you.

He tries to coax you out with apologies for leaving you alone, and you put up little fight because his flaming eyes are the warmest you've ever seen them and promise companionship.

You curl up in his arms and sob on about your loneliness and he comforts you with his "I know"s. Unlike last time you were in his arms, you prepare to snap at him, demanding what it is exactly he knows. You face him, eyes burning, but you stop because his ever flaming orbs are now dim and dull, reduced to cinders by thousands of years worth of pain and sorrow, loss and loneliness.

And you finally understand. You finally know that, yes he knows.

Your eyes burn for a different reason now, so you sink down into his oh so safe arms and fall a little bit in love.

- Ω -

Another few weeks pass but you're no longer alone. You learn to smile again, small at first but it's true and genuine; you can laugh again, light and musical like that of the child you are. You can sense the shift, the growing ease between the two of you and for once you're not afraid of this change.

- Ω -

The love that blooms is a slow but beautiful one.
One that we, the fates, decree worthy of forever.

- Ω -

I open my eyes and he's there, the fiery orbs I so love bright with worry and heartwarming concern. I smile up at him, warm and bright, and the knot between his eyes melts away. Sitting up, I press a kiss to his lips and feel content.

Yes, I love him because he knows. He knows it all.

- Ω -
Hey! Infinity here! I know this was just a one shot but I decided to write an epilogue just to wrap it up. Yep, they're officially a couple but if you don't like this paring then you can just ignore this chapter. Anywho, this chapter was written for RyanOKeefe3 . Sorry it took so long but I hope you enjoyed it!

Also comment if you liked the chapter. I was trying something new with the 2nd and 1st person this is written in. Thanks everyone!

Live fast, Burn bright
- Infinity

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