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Violet stood surrounded by her family, celebrating her recent graduation from the naval academy. It had been a long day and Violet was physically tired but the sheer excitement and pride at graduating were enough to keep her going. From behind her, an arm wrapped around her waist and she turned to see Javy smiling back at her. 

"Come with me," he whispered in her ear, pulling her away from the crowd. She followed after him waving at the friends and family they passed as she did. When they reached the edge of the nearby lake he stopped, turning her so she stood facing him. He was shifting uncomfortably from foot to foot and Violet found herself laughing nervously trying to figure out what was going on. 

"Violet," he started, sounding serious. "We have been together in some way shape or form since that day I asked you to dance in the school gym. You've been my best friend and my girlfriend, and now I'm asking you to be my wife."

He sank down one one knee, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a ring. Violet couldn't form any words. He was looking at her so earnestly and Violet couldn't help but play back every good memory she had with Javy, and there had been many. 

He had been her first kiss, her first time, he had helped her learn to drive, and study for exams. He had been with her through every step of her life. She guessed it just made sense that this was the next step. Behind them she saw their families watching intently waiting for her to respond, and in front of her Javy's smile wavered slightly. 

"I don't know what to say Javy," she started out slowly. "Of course I'll marry you." 

He slipped the ring onto her finger and pulled her into a tight hug. A cheer went up behind them as their parents rushed forward to congratulate them. Violet was pulled into several different directions, everyone offering their well wishes and giving her pats on the back. She was starting to get overwhelmed. She excused herself from the party, finding a spot to herself on the front steps. She gulped in some air, grateful for the coolness after the heat of the party. 

Appearing from around the side of the house came Javy, clearly looking for her. 

"Javy, over here!"

He spotted her, relief washing over his face, and made his way over to her. 

"Good move Vi. It was getting crowded back there. Next time take me with you though," he said poking her in the side. He grabbed her hand looking at the ring shining on her finger before looking back up at her. "I was so nervous to ask you. I swear I almost threw up. Would've made for a terrible story hey?" 

She couldn't help but laugh at the imagine in her head. 

"That would have," she agreed. "Javy, I'm worried."

"About what Honeybee?" 

Violet smiled at the nickname that he had started when they were kids. He used to be the only person who called her that, but after a visit from him while she was at the academy, it had caught on and become her call sign. She was happy to always have a bit of him with her while she was flying. 

"It's just you're stationed in Washington and I'm shipping out to California to go to Top Gun. We're going to be apart for months."

"That's why I wanted to propose now. I wanted to show you that I'm serious about us and I know we'll make it through the long distance. People do it all the time." 

She nodded in acknowledgement and pulled him into a hug. Over his shoulder she held her hand up, staring at the ring on her finger, wondering why it felt so out of place.

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