Chapter 11

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Dark, empty and soundless. That's what my room felt like when I had enough of the crying. My face felt swollen and dry from the long gone tears. I just couldn't sleep though. Not tonight.

I glanced at my alarm clock and it read 2 am. Why was I up so late? From crying because of him?

"Aish~ Remi, you're so stupid." I said out loud hitting my head.

Then a smile curled at my lips. How stupid did I really look right now? This guy I only met for less than a week and I was already stirred up by him. My heart felt like I've went through a long journey and now it was all worn out. I let out a loud satisfying laugh.

Come to think of it, I haven't even talked to Sua when I got home. When I stormed in the house, I went directly in to my room. I didn't even bother to say hello to her. As normal she was sitting on the couch with her laptop... I'm sorry Sua. I'll talk to you tomorrow.

I let out a loud sigh and sat up against the wall on my bed. How would I even see him now? He probably knows something's wrong with me. He probably thi-

Da- da-dum-dum-da-da.

I turned around to see the wall. A soft tapping sound came from it!

Wait, if someone's tapping and Jiyong is the one who lives next door... Then!

I clasped my mouth with both hands to stop myself from breathing.

Holy crap. Shit shit shit. I totally forgot he lived here!

Da- da-dum-dum-da-da. The tapping came again.

I leaned my ear close to the wall trying not to make a sound. What was he doing?

"Yah- I know you're there" He spoke softly with a hint of scolding to his voice.

My nerves shot up and my fists tightened in surprise. He knew I was there. Of course. I tried to swallow as quietly as I could moved back from the wall.

Should I say something? I don't know! What do I do?

"Fine then, don't talk." Jiyong said "Just listen..."

I bit my lip to stop myself from saying something.

"When I said you look like her... You do. But not all of you."

I rolled my eyes in discontent. What the heck was that supposed to even mean?

"Your...eyes. Your eyes are different from hers. Her's were always filled with pity and, and kindness."

I sat up straight and frowned. What?

His words were less formal and kinder.

"And..." He sighed and I felt like I could see him shaking his head. "...that's just what our love was. Only pity and kindness. She dated me because she p-pitied me." There was an emphasis on his words that gave me different mixed feelings again.

"And I loved her because I just needed someone by me. I was lonely and afraid of being alone." He scoffed lightly.

"But your eyes... They don't pity people like me. When you looked at me last night, it was as if you expected me to be like this. They were different"

My eyes? What did my eyes look like that night? I'm pretty sure I didn't have any makeup on. And dark circles. I just looked like crap to sum it up.

But when I heard this realness in his voice, I couldn't help but give a small smile.

"I liked different." Killed. Why did he have to say stuff like this to churn my feelings all up again?

"I hope that didn't hurt you. I didn't mean it that way" He paused "Okay... wait maybe I did at first-"

I let out a loud laugh and quickly realized that he could hear me. I stuffed my face into my pillow.

"That's what I wanted to hear" he softly chuckled.

A few minutes passed by in complete silence and I felt very comfortable and relaxed. I was laying on my bed staring at the ceiling that I couldn't really see.

"She was a dancer..." He let out with a sigh.

What was this? The Jiyong show? Why was he telling me about his ex and his past relationship?

I heard him shuffle through blankets and his bed creaked as he moved a bit. A soft thump came from the wall and I assumed that he was leaning on it.

"I know you probably don't wanna hear this crap but I don't have anyone else to tell it to." I could imagine his eyes staring deep and emotionlessly into his darkness.

I swallowed and closed my eyes. "How...did you two get together?"

Why was I doing this? Darn my curiosity for making me succumb to his needs.

"In 2009 or so, during my solo... She was one of the dancers who was always practicing in practice room. So I would be with her all night long. She would leave the latest because she didn't have a ride so her brother would have to pick her up. And so I waited with her up to late at night. I waited with her because I wanted someone to talk to... And she stayed because...I just needed someone to talk to. She didn't really have interest in me since she already had a thing with this other dancer."

Jiyong continued. I continued to listen and ask questions throughout the entire night.

He kept talking and talking even without me saying anything. He must have really wanted someone to talk to. Working till late at night and busy with schedules... he must have been really lonely. My curiosity encouraged me to listen and I was intrigued in a way.

The conversation went a different direction as it went towards me. He asked me about my past relationships and I told him of Ryan. That kid named Ryan I never really liked. Ryan would've never guessed that Gdragon and I would be talking about him.

His soft laughing made me laugh along with him. And his sighs made me sigh with him. And his words made me speak with him.

My heart was doing that silly dance again.

"I've been wondering... But why are you so formal with me sometimes? You call me 'Remi-shi' and sometimes you call me just Remi." I asked because I really wanted to know.

"Because... You're still my English teacher" I could already picture him smiling deviously. "Fine, if you really want to get friendly... call me Jiyong...oppa"

Why did that sound so weird to me?

"B-but that sounds awkward and we-"

"You call Youngbae, 'Youngbae-oppa' pretty well" He cut me off.

"Yea but.." I looked distantly at the ceiling "Wait- how did you know..."


I nodded as soon as I heard the name "Ahhh of course."

"Ah seungri that bastard is a bit weird~" Jiyong said as he let out a loud yawn.

Contagious as it was, I soon came over with drowsiness.

"Aishh... Remi because of you I couldn't get any sleep, I blame you if my photoshoot goes wrong!!"

"Ahh jinja*... What the heck!? It's oppa's fau-"

"Op... Op-what? What did I just hear?" He said playfully.

We laughed happily even though we couldn't see each other or feel each other. But this was the place where everything seemed normal. This thin wall seemed to have become our bridge to each other's hearts.


*Jinja- "really". In this case used like "You serious?"

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