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I sighed as i make my way to my classroom. Watching Jungwon and Jiwoo getting along with each other makes me so jealous. That was supposed to be Jungwon and i. But what can i do? As long as Jungwon is happy i am too. But i really want to talk to Jungwon. I made my way towards them and smile at them.

"Can i join you guys?" I smiled at them waiting for a reply.

"Bae Minji. Leave us alone." Jungwon said as he moved closer towards Jiwoo.

What did Jungwon just said? He does remember me. So he was just avoiding me? Jungwon how could you do this to me?

Jungwon's pov:
seeing Minji like this makes my heart hurt even more. I really don't wanna tell her about my condition. I don't want her to be worried for me. I don't want her to wait for me again. I want Minji to forget about me and to lead a happy life. I don't want to hurt her again. I wanted to protect her by avoiding her.

"There you are Bae Minji. You stole my device didn't you?" The school bullies came in and pushed Minji's Table away and pinned her to the wall.

"What? Why would i?"I protested.  The way they grabbed my hand, it hurts. Why is no one helping me out? Why is everyone scared?

As one of the bullies Hyunsoo was about to slap me. Jungwon stepped in and Hyunsoo slapped him instead of me.

"Enough. Stop hurting people. Leave Minji alone."
Jungwon hold Hyunsoo by the collar and was about to punch him when the teacher came.

LDetention for both of you! I don't want fights happening in my class!"

Seeing Jungwon protecting me like that makes me happy. But he did not even ask me if i was okay. He just walked back to his seat. I owe him an apology. I should apologise to him for causing him to end up for detention.


It was lunch time. I made my way to Jungwon's table.

"Jungwon, Are you okay?" I placed my hand on Jungwon's face. He brushed my hand off and stared at me angrily.

"You planned this didn't you? Bae Minji. This is all because of you stupid girl. Can't You be more smart and stand up for yourself? Don't expect me to help you anymore." Jungwon walked out of the class as i felt really bad.

I should leave Yang Jungwon alone from now on. I was just a pest to him. I was just that playground girl. Maybe I was annoying from the start.

Jungwon's pov:
seeing Minji getting hurt from those bullies i had to do something. I wanted to protect Minji. I don't want her to get hurt. I was lucky enough that the bullies had just slapped me and not punch me. I could tell that Minji was worried and concerned about me. But did i care? Yes i did. I wanted to tell her that i am fine. But instead i had to act out like i was angry. Yang Jungwon what's is wrong with you? Remember the promise that you made? Where you told Minji that you will marry her when she is older.

Why did i brushed her hand off when she was trying to comfort me. I like the feeling of her being close to me. But i can't tell her about my condition. She will be really worried and would not leave her live happily. Now she thinks that Jiwoo was the only one there for me. I don't want her to think that i replaced her for Jiwoo i would never do that.

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