Signs "lost" in the forest

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Cancer: *Sobbing* Guysss we're all going to die hereeee

Taurus: Yeah the human body can't survive without food. I NEED FOOD!

Cancer: *Sobbing more because taurus just confirmed they will probably die*

Aries: Alright i'm off to actually go FIND US SOME FOOD *really just wants to get away from everyone and adventure*

Virgo: Ok lets actually start trying to survive here. We need food, water, a shelter and a fire

Gemini: Cya! Aries get back here 

Aquarius: *Doing some sort of equation to find water*

Libra: Honestly guys just sleep through this

Scorpio: You guys are all idiots

Sagittarius: Come on guys look on the bright side

Pisces: There is no bright side *sobs*

Sagittarius: *Walks over to pisces and points*

Pisces: Omg it's a village that looks a lot like our home 

Capricorn: Scorpio you read my mind 

Leo: Freedom! Cya later b!tches i'm off to find the salon

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