Signs during a test

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♈️ Aries: Honestly F*ck whoever invented school 

♉️ Taurus: *Regrets not studying properly* 

♊️ Gemini: Acts confident *Internally dying*

♋️ Cancer: *Trying not to cry*

♌️ Leo: Lol who needs to do tests these days

♍️ Virgo: Literally tops the class every time so...

♎️ Libra: Trying not to accept their fate of a potential failure

♏️ Scorpio: Accepted their fate

♐️ Sagittarius: Im just gonna wing it  

♑️ Capricorn: I got this

♒️ Aquarius: *Aced the test*

♓️ Pisces: This will be easy. Oh wait whats the date - I'm gonna fail i can't even remember the dateeeee

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