🌸||M O M S A I D I T W A S M Y T U R N T O P L A Y T H E X B O X||JJBA

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A/n: HELLO *CoUgH* So just letting you know that some characters may not act like themselves or talk like themselves because I suck at writing and I'm not said character. also sorry if I spell names incorrectly its 4 in the morning and my brain hurts :)

Girono: Mista Bruno said it's my turn to play on the xbox

Mista: Says who?

Girono: Bruno

Mista: Uh ok? He's not my parents so I don't have to listen to him

Girono: He's pretty our parent which means you need to listen to him

Mista: I don't have to

Girono: But you should

Mista: I don't have to

Girono: But you should

Mista: I don't have to

Girono: But you should-

Abbachio: Stfu like seriously, you sound like f*ing childern

Mista: Thanks

Girono: How did you-

Mista: Anyways, I'm going to play on the Xbox as long as I'd like since I can

Girono: I'm telling Bruno

Mista: Ok? What is he gonna-

Bruno: Share mista.

Mista: Ok-

Girono: Thanks Mama!

Bruno: Of course dear child!

Mista: You guys are weird-

Abbachio: Says the guy who-

Mista: SHUT UP

Girono: Please don't remind me of that..


Bruno: interesting times..

Naracia: More like trauma inducing-


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