Chapter 1

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“GOD FUCKING DAMN IT” I screamed. The mission……. failed. I have been through 12 GOD DAMN LOOP AND THE MISSION  KEEPS FAILING. “Davis are you ok” Kat asked. “Stop the truck” I said flatly trying not to panic. “Why what’s wrong” Kat asked. “I SAID STOP THE GOD DAMN TRUCK” I screamed at the top off my lungs. “Whoa things are getting out of hand here” Han said. Man he is really starting to piss me off. “SHUT THE FUCK UP” I yelled. “OK, Davis calm down how many times have we done this” Kat asked calmly. “12” I said flatly. “Shit” Harkman cursed under  his breath. “Which of you fuckers was it” I said with the kind of calm to scare someone shitless. “What do you mean by that exactly” Harkman said trying to guess what was going on. “ ONE OF YOU MOTHERFUCKERS IS TELLING THE GOD DAMN CANNIBAL WHERE WE ARE” I yelled. “Well what will we do about this" Jacklyn said sheepishly. I really hate calling him. “ Otso” I said hoping he would come. “What’s up” Otso said appearing right next to me. “SHIT, DAMN IT OTSO I ASKED YOU NOT TO SCARE ME LIKE THAT” I shouted almost falling out of my seat.“ Sorry bout that” he said. “Just help me find the damn rat” I said close to losing my patience. “Why did you call me to get rid of a mouse” Otso asked. “ I DIDN’T CALL YOU HERE TO GET RID OF A MOUSE DUMBASS SOMEONE HERE IS RATTING US OUT” I shouted. “Sorry man, if I help you the Interdimensional Council will be on my ass, but he does have blonde hair” Otso said before leaving. “Mathew is the only guy In here with blond hair” I said finally realizing and the pieces into place. “Well then” I said pausing to pull out me gun. “ Better not take any chances  leaving this bitch alive” I said before shooting Mathew in the chest a few times

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