Chapter Four

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My nose is sensing something, it is a furless sack of meat. Something me and my stomachs have been aching for. I take in a whiff. It is a female around 20. I take the formality of a human and not my true beast self. My hair is neat and tidy, a dirty blonde that is just about perched on my small shaped eyebrows, my eyes are wide and bambi like, the colour as dark as grounded soil, my figure is 5'11 and built like I've looked like I've looked after myself, I'm in a plain white tee, some slacks and a pair of brown boots.

My legs are carrying me to her, the closer I'm getting the stronger the smell is. The perfume is potent, it is burning my nose. I hear her high-pitched squeaking of her terrible singing, its dreadful, better eat her now before my ears become permanently damaged.

I startle her but I smile apologetically and quickly eye her up and down. She's as ugly as her singing. But the smell is telling me different.

She stares at me; she is confused and asks what I am doing and my identification. I smile and make up a name. "My name is James" her saffron spotted eyes glance at mine, she is unsure but she nods. I ask the question back "Rosa" she mumbles, I felt the words rumbling off her chapped lips. I hum and chew my lip. I can sense she is slightly uncomfortable. I offer to walk her to her destination, and her dim-witted self nodded. We start walking through the woods, my thirst is just waiting to erupt.

Her voice is smooth, it doesn't match her intelligence. Nothing does. She smells delicious, but looks hideous, her scale of knowledge is extremely low. She is tall but her hair has somewhat been neglected, I can't handle her. Her burbled babbling is boring me.

I try to seem interested in whatever she is telling me, I could swear I can feel my eyelids shut. Can't I just slaughter you with my tongue already?

I can feel my hands moving on their own, they wrap around her small throat and in one swift move, I have knocked her out. I smile and look at her unconscious body in my grasp. Now this is a pretty site. her limp self so powerless, so helpless, so clueless, and yet, so delicious.

My true form unravels and I take a bite out of the side of her neck, letting my fangs break into her skin and tendons, the sounds of the muscles and her heart rapidly beating before it dies makes my power grow. My thirst begins to erupt like a volcano. The sensation spreading everywhere, devouring everything in its path, I can't stop, the more of her I devour, the more I ache to savour every satisfying morsel till I burst.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2022 ⏰

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